37 years!

And counting… Thirty-seven years ago, I awoke to a thrill, that heart-pounding anticipation of, “Today…I’m gettingĀ married!”

The day seems a blur now, though some details stand out. It was 90 degrees and the church had no air conditioning. Some of the girls had a hard time keeping their hair from going flat in the humidity (me included). Dresses back then – I wore long sheer sleeves and a bell-shaped dress with a train and veil. It still hangs in my closet, though I can’t quite fit into it like I used to! Almost…but not yet.

Our ceremony had two pastors – our church pastor and the man whose Bible study had brought us together. Our colors were pink and burgundy, though Randy and I wore white. Our singer sang two songs, one of which is still a favorite, “God Bless This Marriage,” which was a little-known song back in the day.


We lit the unity candle, had a fun reception afterward, and took off for a two-week honeymoon to follow. So many memories. So many dreams come true.

Of course, life isn’t all candles and roses, and we’ve faced our share of challenges through the years. You don’t love someone for 37 years without joys and trials, but life is richer for the struggles, whether they are financial, physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, or whatever life might throw our way.

But life is equally richer for the good times, growing together in love, in faith. Raising children and all of the joy they bring to a family.

So many good memories. Still more dreams to come.

In the meantime, I’m grateful for each year God has given.

I just think the next 37 should not go by so fast!


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