This weekend is my first two-day book signing! I am looking forward to talking to everyone who has the chance to stop by. If you are in the area, it will be held at Woodside Bible Church in Troy, Michigan from 6:00-6:30 tonight and 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. tomorrow between services. This is really a rather exclusive book signing as The Crimson Cord is not yet available in bookstores. So if you want an early copy, please stop on by. It would be fun to see you there! In other news, this week I learned that The Crimson Cord received a 4-Star Review from RT Magazine. Here is, in part what the reviewer said: (I don’t have a copy of the magazine yet to read the full review.)
“Smith has captured the message of what took place in Jericho. The story of Jericho, the only home known by Rahab and her family, unfolds slowly and builds toward the events surrounding the rumors of the Israelites who camp and worship the one true God. The reader will be given a historic view of the treatment of women by those who worshipped idols and bowed down to rulers who were corrupted by greed.”
I am grateful to RT for reading the book and always thankful when they find it a worthy read. Thank you, RT!
My launch team should be receiving their materials for the launch of this first book in the Daughters of the Promised Land series, and I’m told by my publisher that a blog tour is planned for February 15th-21st. (Closer to the actual release date for the book.) I’m super excited to know so many people are willing to give their time to read and review the book! To all of you – mega thanks!!
It’s always a crazy time when a book releases, especially when I’m also in the middle of working on other projects. So if I don’t always respond quickly if you write to me, please know that it why.
One last announcement – I will be the featured author on the ACFW site on February 2nd! The interview was a lot of fun. I will try to post a link here when it’s live.
Blessings to all~