The day is finally here! The last e-book novella in the Loves of King Solomon series is now available wherever e-books are sold. See my books page or click here for links to various sites where you can find it.
Several years ago, this series idea came out of my desire to continue the story of the Patriarchs. In the process, I suggested also adding on to the Wives of King David series with something about Solomon. Well, the story for the continuation of the Patriarchs is on hold at the moment, but the loves of Solomon idea took root. From Revell’s Jennifer Leep’s suggestion to me trying different ways to craft a novella, we now have the complete e-book collection.
There is, however, one more book to follow. As I’ve said before, but it bears repeating, the e-books are short stories from the point of view of four women in Solomon’s life. They are written in first person – only her point of view.
But coming in 2019, the compilation of these four stories, combined with Solomon’s point of view will become the final, paperback version, of the Loves of King Solomon series. That compilation is in third person and weaves all four stories together with Solomon’s take on what is going on in between and throughout. That book is in the hands of my critique partner as I write this, and is due to my publisher in December.
In a normal compilation, a publisher will usually put four distinct stories together under one cover. If we had done it this way, readers who had not read the e-book versions could read them in paperback and not miss anything written earlier.
But I wanted to try something I had never done before, so I have written the story, the final paperback, to be different than what you will read in the e-books alone. Some of the same content is there, but not all, so I encourage you to download an e-reader, if you don’t have one and buy a copy of the e-books first before the compilation releases. This way you will receive a fuller reading experience of this series.
In the meantime, The Queen of Sheba is now available and I’m super excited to share her story with you. There is much conflicting history on this famous woman of Scripture, and I did my best to come to my own conclusions. But others more learned than I may have a different take, and that’s okay. We each do our best with the knowledge we have. I hope you will enjoy my version of her story.
Happy reading~
#releaseday #thequeenofsheba #booklovers #revellbooks