A Taste of Grace

Grace. I think I have taken that word for granted during my entire lifetime. But now…it carries a sweeter weight, a tone of melody that sings to the deep places in my heart where other songs can never reach.Grace. It is a gift. A heart’s cry. A blessing. A word so full of amazement and wonder that I think it might take eternity to unravel all that it means.

The Psalmist prayed, “listen to my plea for grace.” He was counting on God’s goodness and forgiveness and steadfast love…to ALL who call on Him…to give him the grace he needed to make it through. Can you relate?

I sure can. What other god in the universe, in the existence of humanity has ever been seen as abounding in “steadfast love”, forgiving, good, full of GRACE?

Grace, by the way, suggests a goodness and kindness to those who do not deserve such benevolence. Grace gives mercy where mercy is not warranted. Grace forgives even those who hate. Grace loves unconditionally. Grace is good to those who are not kind in return.

But that is such an awesome picture of our God! The Psalmist pleaded for God to hear his prayer, to listen to his plea for grace. And you know what? We are not unlike the psalmist, are we? In times of trial and trouble, we long for grace. It’s a lot harder to offer grace to others when we are hurting, than it is to ask for grace when we’ve been the one doing the things that are wrong.

But the same grace God extends to us, He asks us to extend to those who are indebted to us. “Forgive us our debts or trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Grace gives and asks that we give in return.

Hear my prayer, O Lord, is the psalmist’s often plea. Give me grace. Give me grace to live today, to forgive today, to extend love everywhere you send me today. Because I can’t do this alone. I need You. I need Your grace.

And in return, grace pours from my heart to everyone I meet, to everyone I love, even to those who make my life a struggle. I can forgive and love in spite of. Just as Jesus died for me–in spite of me.

That’s grace.

Lord, give each one of us a taste of Your amazing grace.


#livegrace #lovealways #forgive

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