God of the Impossible

This might seem like a strange verse, but my focus is that with God nothing is impossible. Even death could not keep its hold on Him. Now I don’t know about you, but I have never seen someone rise from the grave. I have stood at gravesides and have even watched a loved one take her last breath, but I have never seen life revived from someone who has died. (I’m not looking to get into a near-death or death-to-life experience here. I’m talking about end of life reality.) As Scripture puts it, “It is appointed to men once to die and after that the judgment.”

Judgment is another topic also, which I believe is coming in either reward or wrath, because our Creator does hold the right to judge based on the fact that He created us and He makes the rules. In a sense that can be comforting, can’t it? We know that someday evil will meet its end. But we don’t always like the idea of being judged ourselves.

But the one who conquered death (that’s a pretty big deal) is also the One who does the judging. He didn’t come the first time to judge or condemn but to save. And if we are in Him, meaning if we know Him at a heart level (not just with an “I believe” intellectual level) but where it transforms our hearts, then we do not have to fear judgment or condemnation. He came to free us from that fear and He conquered death to prove He could.

How about you? Do you fear death? Do you fear the One who has the power over death–fear Him in the way that we all should–with deep reverence and awe and humility and a cry for mercy and grace?

Because when it all comes down, it’s not about what we can accomplish in our lives or how much better we can make the world. It’s not about us at all. It’s about the only One who can do the impossible. The one who can save us from death. Not an earthly death as most all of us will face that someday, but an eternal one, which can so easily be avoided by a simple act of childlike faith.

Do we trust Him enough to do the impossible in our lives and set us free from the fear of death and judgment? Because if He could raise Jesus from the dead, or anyone else from the grave, He can do anything.

Selah~ #liveloveprayhope #withgodallthingsarepossible #mygodcandotheimpossible #trusthisheart

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