I know I have been quiet here and even on Facebook where I tend to post daily devotional thoughts. Life has gotten busier than I imagined with writing the fourth book in the Daughters of the Promised Land – Hannah’s story. Our five-week vacation out west to visit family this winter put me a bit behind and then I realized 2/3 into the story that I needed to fix it from the beginning. Oh the joys of first drafts! So I have been scrambling to edit and finish this book, which is due to my critique partner by mid July or sooner. In the meantime, Fed Ex delivered galleys for the next e-book short story in the Loves of King Solomon series, which releases September 2016. I’m not sure why it is not up for pre-order on Amazon or CBD, but it is coming. I’ve added the book to the books page and will give pre-order information there as it is forthcoming.
Some people ask me whether it is worth reading the short-ebook series. They would rather wait for the full-length compilation when it comes out in a few years. And I totally understand that thinking. But may I say, the story that will eventually end up as a paperback will not be the same as these e-book shorts. So if you want to get a good glimpse of these four women (the last one releases in 2017) from their points of view, these short stories should whet your appetite for the full length where Solomon’s point of view will take a big part of the story.
Anyway, that’s just my take – these are normally around $1.99 in e-book and they are not full length novels, so they are a quick read. I do hope you will enjoy them. Daughter of the Nile is dedicated to Tiger (yes, I’m a crazy cat person) because he inspired the story. Er…he at least inspired the cat parts of it.
The galleys for Daughter of the Nile are due to my editor July 1, so again, I’m doing double duty right now with edits. Then come mid to late July I will be receiving galleys for Redeeming Grace, Ruth’s Story, which I have also added to my books page. This one does not come out until Valentine’s Day next year, but it is already available for pre-order on Amazon. (I have no control over these things and do not understand how they are decided.)
But I am excited to share Ruth’s story with all of you. My editor claims it is her favorite yet, which totally surprised me. My hubby and some friends can tell you that I have no confidence in my first drafts. (Which of course, is not what I turn in to my editor.) It’s just that figuring things out and getting to know the characters is like constantly moving to a new house when you are still attached to the one you left behind. I tell myself I can do this, and then I’m positive I can’t. It’s a love/hate relationship with creativity, I guess.
In the meantime, I’ve also been going through physical therapy for a pinched nerve (much better now) in my back, and Randy and I have taken up bike riding. We have many house projects awaiting us this summer, though I suspect most are going to fall to him until my deadlines are through.
I wish I could say more trips are planned this year, but for now, we will be enjoying Michigan weather – and working. But each day is a new surprise from the Lord–and I’m learning to pray with the heart of a child–to watch and see what God will do. I hope your summer is filled with answers to prayers and that God makes Himself more real to you today than you ever though possible.