I feel like I’m always taking three steps forward, two steps back. (Ever feel that way?) So MUCH has been happening this summer that it is making my head spin. But lest I twirl and dance and fly away with too much at once, I want to fill you in on the writing news! First – I finished my first (actually third) draft of Deborah’s story!!!Okay, I just had to shout that out. I’m taking a big break from the story as I’m just way too close to it right now to see it clearly any more. One thing I’ve learned about myself and writing this story is this: DON’T WRITE TOO FAST. Some people can put out 3000-5000 words a day and it all works for them. But I felt like I was losing myself in words instead of story. Maybe that works better for people who plot it all out first. But this half “seat-of-the-pants” writer needs to take her time. So…next time things will be different.
Second – The Crimson Cord, Rahab’s Story is already available for pre-order – at least on Amazon. I didn’t see it up on the other sites yet. And the cover is there, so I added it to my Book’s page. I’m going to be revamping my influencer’s list for this book soon, and may have some extra slots available. If you want to know more and aren’t already on the list, please email me. If you are an influencer and find you can’t read fast enough to post reviews or tell your friends in a timely manner, please let me know that as well.
Third – The Desert Princess, the first e-book short in the Loves of King Solomon series is coming out August 15th! So yay! Almost there. I hope you enjoy this short story as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Current work – Book 3 in the Loves of King Solomon, the story of the Egyptian princess that Solomon married is next up on my to-do list. I began research this week. New stories are always a challenge, and shorter does not mean easier, but I love the era and the setting and anticipate that this one will be fun! (And I won’t be writing it THAT fast!)
Lastly – Michal is still FREE in e-book format! They are going to be extending the free promotion a bit longer, and stay tuned for more one-day promotions coming in August. To be sure not to miss out on any, please sign up for my newsletter. I don’t always remember to post here, but you can usually find me on Facebook or through my Newsletter.
I hope your summer is as eventful (in a good way) as ours has been so far.