It’s been a while since I talked about some favorite reads or books I want to read, so here are a few on my recent list. The first, as you may have noticed was one I just endorsed by my dear friend, Jill Stengl – Until That Distant Day. My paperback copy came in the mail yesterday and it’s just beautiful! If you love historical fiction, this one is a great read! Right now I’m reading another historical set in Nashville after the Civil War – A Beauty So Rare by Tamera Alexander. Tammy’s stories always have a way of capturing my imagination and teaching me something that feeds my soul.
Yesterday I downloaded a few samples on my Kindle of ABA (not the Christian market) books that were recommended to me as good reads. I also purchased one that was only $1.99. Even authors, who really like to make a living at what they do and appreciate the sales of their books, like a good bargain just like everyone else. But I will still pay a fair price for a book. Like I do a music album on iTunes. I guess when you come from a family of artists, the term “starving artists” doesn’t quite sound so good. “A worker is worthy of his hire,” sounds much more agreeable, whatever our goals in life.
Some of the non-fiction books I’m reading (and yes, I tend to read more than one at a time) are Walking With God Through Pain and Suffering by Tim Keller and The R. A. Torrey Collection, Volume 1, the section on “Difficulties in the Bible.” And lastly, among the non-fiction, I’m reading Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. (Yes, I’m an introvert, though I can’t say I see myself as powerful. But I haven’t read enough of the book to know what that means.)
A few others I recently bought or found free on Kindle were:
Dangerous Passage by Lisa Harris
The Restoration by Wanda Dyson
Rich in Love by Irene Garcia with Lissa Halls Johnson
Cats Are Part of His Kingdom, Too by Cindy Vincent
The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion
That’s it for now. Of course, this doesn’t count the paperbacks still sitting on my to-be-read pile. Someday I’m going to have more free time than I need and I’ll catch up. But I’m grateful to be busy enough to read just to unwind at night. Some days that’s all the time there is.
Selah~Personal, Author’s MusingsMay 9, 2014