This and that

Summer weather hit Michigan today, and it was delightful! I think the high was at least 77 degrees. After a long winter and heavy snowfall, it was a day for bare feet and open windows. The only strange thing was that during my bike ride to the park, I noticed only a handful of flowers just trying to bloom, and bare, leafless trees. Such a barren world, just waking from a long winter’s nap. I don’t think nature was ready for today’s temperatures. In the middle of sneaking out to enjoy some of the weather, I did manage to get in nearly 3000 words on my word count. I’ve been working out 30 minutes each morning and biking or walking in the afternoons or evenings when I can. The workouts have improved my strength and allowed me the ability to sit longer to type. I’ve noticed quite a few health benefits already. It’s unfortunate that it has taken me so many years to finally figure out what type of exercise I like best.


Page proofs for The Desert Princess came last week, so I am reading through them in the evenings. Thankfully, this is a novella (short story), so I can still stay in Deborah’s story during the day. Tiger has tried to guard the page proofs or chew them, depending on his mood. He’s not been especially helpful lately, but I think the poor baby has spring fever.

First time edits also came for Abishag’s story last week. This novella is yet untitled and should release the year after The Desert Princess. My editor really seems to like this story, and there were only a few changes before she accepted it. That was a huge relief because I wasn’t sure I would ever really “get” Abishag’s character. I knew how I saw her, but not how I felt as I slipped into her skin – so to speak. My critique partner gave me some great advice when she said that I needed to put a piece of myself into her character in order to relate to her. I was trying to write a character completely outside of myself, but alas, it is true – at least for me – we can’t really understand other people if we don’t relate them to our own circumstances. The same is true for fictional people.

We had a nice Easter/Resurrection weekend with my mom and a couple of our kids. Church was packed on Sunday, as it always is on this special celebration day. I have already blogged about my faith on this topic, but suffice it to say, I am very grateful for a God who loves me enough to sacrifice all just to save me. It is a humbling thought.

That’s about it for now. I am learning, slowly, that this year’s lesson is one of trust. I sense God leading me to greater trust in His purposes. Sometimes, in my humanness I find that hard to do. But a lesson that is worth learning.

Selah~DevotionsPersonalBooksApril 21, 2014

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