On my bookshelf


I have three books to share with you. Actually, one is a Bible study. One is fiction. One a memoir. I finished reading One Perfect Day by Lauraine Snelling earlier this week. This was the first book I’d read by Lauraine, and I found it completely captivating! It is set at Christmastime, which was timely for me and carried a mix of happy and sad in two intertwined stories. It kind of reflected the feelings that often accompany Christmas, both happy and sad, memorable, joyful, and sometimes painful. A book I would recommend and an author who will no doubt capture my imagination again.

I met Lauraine at a Books & Such retreat a year ago and sat with her at dinner one evening. One of the most fun things about this job is getting to meet other writers who have been at this much longer than I have and who have so much knowledge! I come away grateful for what I have learned.


The second book on my nightstand right now is The Long Awakening by Lindsey O’Connor. This is a memoir about her life experience, and though I am not very far into it, I am already engaged and looking for time to read more! This book was published by Revell, and already has a lot of great endorsements. I look forward to finishing it soon!

Lastly, though by no means the only books I’m reading right now – I’m doing a Bible study by a friend of mine – Sheryl Pellatiro. Sheryl is a Bible teacher and speaker and I actually attended her class on this study about four years ago, but was too overwhelmed with writing and my own studies for a new series I was writing to continue a study on a completely different topic.


But as Christmas approaches and I knew our boys were not coming home, and as other life issues have crowded into my heart, I knew I needed something to challenge me. Or maybe it was the title that tugged at my heart. But Wilderness Wanderings seemed very appropriate to how I was feeling at times during this year of change. So I started the study all over again and this time I’m determined to finish it. I’m enjoying it so far and love how it is set up much like Beth Moore’s works. God knew what I needed and it was sitting right there in my bedroom!

That’s it for now. If you have a favorite book you’ve read, I’d love to hear about it. I’m always looking for something new, especially authors I haven’t read before.

Happy reading~

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