New contract! A novella series

This week I signed a new contract with Revell to publish a different kind of biblical fiction series. The title of the series and also the title of the final book in the series is The Loves of King Solomon.  The series is a group of four novellas based on four loves of King Solomon. Working titles include:

Naamah (His first wife and mother of his heir.)

Abishag (A wife he inherited from his father David.)

The Egyptian Princess (A foreign princess Solomon married early in his reign.)

The Queen of Sheba (A queen who traveled far to hear of Solomon’s wisdom.)

Each novella will be less than 30,000 words, about a 1/3 of the size of one of my current biblical novels. These will be released to e-book only, so you will need a Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iPad, or Kindle app on a computer to read them.

They will release one a year, but I’m not sure yet of the first release date. Probably not until late 2014 or even 2015, as my due date for the first book is March 2013 and it takes time to edit, design a cover, etc.

The plan is for me to write a full length novel (as I’m doing now) to complete the current series, Wives of the Patriarchs, and then continue on to Brides of the Promised Land. But in between, I will also write one novella a year for the Loves of King Solomon series.

The final book in this series will be a print book – The Loves of King Solomon – which will compile all four novellas in print along with extra material not in the original novellas.

Does that make sense?

I’m super excited to be able to write this series, to study Solomon’s life! What a fascinating, complicated man! And imagine what it must have been like for his wives and concubines! I believe they have much to teach us.

So I hope you will stick around and read these stories once they are available. I think it’s time I consider buying a new e-reader myself!

Thanks to all of you for your support and for reading my work. Your enthusiasm makes my work possible.

Selah – and God’s peace to you all ~

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