ACFW Conference!

All my bags are packed, I’m reading to go… Well, not quite…but I did spend time yesterday trying on clothes to put outfits together from my mix of old and new. The truth is, I woke up panicking (well, not exactly panicking) but troubled nonetheless that everything I planned to wear to the conference was black. Now black is nice, and one of my favorite choices, but I really didn’t want solid black every day! So I went rummaging around my closet trying to find things that still fit. (I’ve gone down a size, depending on the manufacturer.)

I am happy to say that I was able to work with what I had, and so I’m on my way to packing my bags. (I can’t believe how excited I am to attend this year!) But since I’m not up for any awards and don’t have to teach a class, I have no worries! No speeches! 🙂 I just get to go and hang out with some of the greatest people on planet earth – other writers! (Though none of them match up to one fabulous engineer who does not fall under that “writer” category.)

Still, this is the highlight of my career year. I get to room with my former critique partner and good friend Maureen Lang! And can’t wait to hang out in the halls and talk to people I only see online. If you’re attending and see me standing around, please come and say hello. I love to meet new people!

I think part of the fun for me is also not having to cook for five days! My guys will have to fend for themselves, but they’re good sports about that. I just have to be careful not to eat every dessert at each meal or I’ll gain back everything I lost since last year!

In the meantime, I’m finishing up page proofs for Sarai, and catching up on other commitments. Can’t wait to get on that plane and fly high above the clouds. What a feeling!

I might try posting from the conference, but if it doesn’t work out, I’ll save the highlights for next week.

Until then~


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