With the release of Bathsheba have come many opportunities for interviews on various blogs and websites. Today you can find interviews on ACFW’S Fiction Finder, and A Sequence of Continuous Delights with a book giveaway – a chance to win a copy of Bathsheba.
Some past interviews (contests have ended) were on Trish Perry’s Blog, and Kaye Dacus’s Writer’s Window.
Recent reviews have also touched my heart. Two that I received today are on Radiant Light and Net’s Book Notes. Thanks to all those who have posted reviews, interviews, or announcements about Bathsheba. And to my readers who have written or posted comments on my Facebook page, thank you! I’m a little overwhelmed by the kind comments! But I appreciate each and every one!
This past week went by in a blur and today reminded me that I did not quite finish all I set out to do. And now I’m sitting here next to my wonderful hubby while he calculates stuff for our income tax and listens to some favorite music. Makes me smile. 🙂 Stresses have been great lately, but God is good, and music is a universal joy.
On a sadder note, I cannot express how bad I feel for the people of Japan during their hour of crisis. The devastation is indescribable. Add that to the people in the Middle East vying for freedom…there is much to pray for…and only one God who can hear and help and heal.
Dear Lord, in your great mercy and kindness, meet these great and awesome needs. Comfort your people and save as only you can do. You alone are mighty to save. In the powerful name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.