I find a lot of joy in hearing our baby granddaughter say new words. She’s learning to repeat things and to hear her say, “Nana and Papa” just sort of has a way of melting your heart, you know?
Other words can melt my heart too, but not in a good way. I’ve debated on whether to share this here, and I’m still not sure because my brain has been in a muddled whirlwind for the past few weeks and I’ll admit, I’m struggling.
Earlier last month, I finally got in to have an annual mammogram. I didn’t used to take them all that seriously, but I always tried to go when the doctor said to or a few months later. COVID pushed me back a bit, but at last I went. I never have any problems, so I just figured, get it over with.
I didn’t expect the phone call a few days later. “We need to have you come back to repeat the process and have an ultrasound.”
Oh. Okay.
A week later I returned for those retests. The result?
Come back in another week for a biopsy. That unnerved me a bit. I’ve had enough invasive tests and surgeries in my life to say that I never wanted any of it again. Ever.
But that was not to be. So I returned. In the waiting room, I could feel my anxiety rising, which is typical for me, but then I prayed, “Jesus, please be with me. I need your perfect peace.”
The experience was better than I expected. They were playing Christian classical music in the room, and though I was alone (as in no family was with me) I literally felt the presence of Jesus with me every step of the way. And I had none of the pain they expected me to have. Jesus literally took my normal anxiety and gave me His peace. I’ve never felt anything quite like it though I’ve been a Christian most of my life.
Funny, though. I had several Christian friends praying for me – of course, we want everything to be fine. But I wasn’t so sure it would be. Somehow I knew.
Last week I returned for the results. “Do you have good news for me?” I asked.
“I have news,” the doctor said.
I waited, already knowing what she was going to say. Yeah. She said that cancer word that I never wanted to hear.
Yesterday, we visited the surgeon’s office. Two hours later, I came away feeling less angst. Or maybe my mind is still muddled.
The good news is that 3-D mammograms really do their job of detecting early stage cancer. If I had waited, I would not have felt this until it was advanced. The other good news is that it’s very small and the prognosis is good. I still need surgery and maybe radiation, but God has given me a good doctor and so far, I have no real complaints – other than I never wanted to have this cancer word in my vocabulary.
They say it will take me a month to recover and then we’ll see. A lot depends on what is found during surgery, but the tentative scans look good. Maybe I’m supposed to slow down and take it easy this summer because frankly, my summer plans (and I had a few) just changed. I’m already envisioning watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy at least once and maybe Pride and Prejudice again. Since I rarely give myself permission to “waste” a day just watching a movie, now is my chance, yes?
I have hired a new assistant – right before this happened. I think God knew I was going to need some help and preplanned it. We’re just getting started, but I look forward to her helping in places where I can get overwhelmed.
I may go a little silent for a while as I figure this out. I really don’t know what to expect. But rather than words like “team of doctors”, “surgeon”, “oncologist”, and “hospitals”, I prefer, “peekaboo” and “keys” and baby laughter that makes me giggle.
I want to go back and undo whatever made this happen. But then, I’d like to do that with a lot of things in life that have broken my heart more than melted it in a joyful way. Coupled with my fibro pain – life isn’t super fun right now. But maybe it was never meant to be.
God keeps reminding me that He loves me and I need to grasp that with everything I have. I have Him beside me no matter where the future leads us. None of us knows what is around the next corner. It’s a zigzag road, this journey called life.
I just need reminding now and then that God is not surprised by the words I’d rather never hear. He’s still good and in control even if it feels like everything is falling apart. When my warrior prayers are reduced to “help me” prayers I am actually in a good place. Because when we stop trying to carry the burdens that won’t leave, when we lay them at Jesus’ feet to carry for us, when we can finally admit how very much we need Him, He hears our cries and He is not silent.
He sends friends to comfort, gives me His Word – the best words to hear – and I remember that the pain and suffering in this life are temporary. Temporary trials. Temporary life here. One day heaven.
In the meantime, I’d covet your prayers for our decisions and that I’d seek the best advice. I could also use prayer for my stress level. Pain tends to raise it – pain in any form – and I have it coming at me in more than one way. But it’s increased since going off of certain medications that I need. One more thing to figure out, yes?
I know many of you have faced far worse than I have or am facing in this moment. But I hope we all never undermine another person’s pain. We are all going to suffer in this life, some more than others. And I have no explanation as to why that is. We live in a fallen world and life is going to hit us hard one day. For me – this is just a blip on the radar and I have confidence that God will walk me through it. I may lose a summer, but I will certainly gain a new perspective. Maybe this will be the season for miracles! I hope so.
Because cancer is not a word I ever wanted attached to my vocabulary or my name. “Nana” sounds so much better.
The Conversation
Oh sweet friend, I have been there too. All I can say is that you are covered in our prayers. Give yourself grace in all things even when you feel angry with God at the why’s. God’s got this and I pray Joel 2:25 for you.
If you ever want to read some raw truth about the journey thru cancer and its aftermath and how God shows up check this out ecclecticnurse.blogspot.com
Thank you, Lindsay!
Hi, Jill. So sorry. You are in my prayers!!!
Hi, Jill. So sorry. You are in my prayers.!!!
Thanks, Sharon! Much appreciated!
Love how God is carrying you already. You’re in the best hands with Him!
Thanks, Rachel!
My sweet friend, I’m sooo sorry to hear this “C” report ?; Lifting you up before His Throne of Grace. I will be praying Hebrews 4:16 over you and that you will be comforted by His perfect peace. There is power in prayer and I’m trusting with you in our Savior’s faithfulness as you and Randy walk this journey. I love you, Jill ❤️??
Thank you, Julie! I love you too! ?
Jill: I know exactly what you mean, about hearing Cancer! Dec, 2003 sure changed my plans! In Jan, 2004, I had surgery. Then, months of Radiation. God was called upon many times and by many people. I will put you on my prayer list. (along with Randy, your family, the medical team). Continue to read His Word & pray. You will receive strength & peace & wisdom. God is good, all the time!!
Thanks so much, Joni. I didn’t know you went through this. Appreciate your prayers!
I had uterine cancer. Dr called me at work, because he didn’t want me to wait the 2 weeks, until my appt with him. Not a good call to get, while working. Got in with a Cancer Specialist, in 3 days!! Great Dr, too. And, he said to enjoy Christmas; we’ll do the surgery after the holidays. So, we did our holiday celebrations, went to a wedding, after the new year, and had surgery. I missed another wedding, very close to the surgery, but I needed to have it done. Love N Prayers!
Thanks for telling me, Joan.
So glad you shared this… you will be in my prayers daily! Thanking God it was caught early! I never missed my mammogram, but mine was Stage 3 when it was caught… 5 months of chemo, surgery, and 6 weeks of daily radiation… people kept telling me what a fighter I was, but I didn’t fight at all… my sweet friends and family picked me up and carried me in prayer… and now we will do the same for you! (By the way, 7-year survivor ?)
Hugs and Prayers ???
Thanks so much, Ann!
After reading this I wanted to pray for you. I will be praying for you. So far my mammograms have come back normal. It is high in my family. I pray you continue to feel God’s presence. That all will be ok, in the end. Take care and God bless. Sending you hugs.
Thank you, De-anne!
Jill, I experienced this in November 2018. I had surgery and radiation and things are going well now. All clear follow-ups! Wonderful friends and family and their prayers and help meant so much! You will be in my prayers as well as our book club’s prayers. God is walking through this with you! ??❤️??
Thank you, Michelle! Much appreciated!!
This sounds very similar to my story, which took place the Summer of 2015. God was there every step of the way. He is there with you now! You have a lot going on so be kind to yourself. Rest when you need to, have that movie day. You aren’t being lazy—you are taking care of yourself. Praying for the best possible outcome!
Thank you, Michelle! ?
Sending prayers for God’s strength and comfort for you and your family during this (hopefully short) chapter of your life.
Thanks, Amanda!
Sending love and prayers. Dear Heavenly Father I come before your throne of Grace and mercy and ask for your healing touch. I pray for wisdom for the Dr. and peace for Jill. I pray you ease her fibromyalgia pain as I understand and know she needs you to calm all her nerve endings. I speak healing in the name of Jesus. Amen
Thank you, Lucy!
I’m so sorry you have to walk this journey, Jill. Of course I’m praying for you and I’m happy you feel His presence walking with you. ?
Thanks, Cindy!
I’ll definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I just received a breast cancer diagnosis as well. It wasn’t ever a world I thought I would hear either. I imagine I share some of your thoughts and feelings right now.
I’m so sorry, Monica. I will pray for you as well. I hope your prognosis is good and that God holds you close as you walk this unwanted path.
Thank you!
Thank you for sharing, Jill. We want to uphold you in prayer that this truly will be a small blip. I am so thankful they found it early because that makes all the difference. It is also a good reminder to the rest of us that we should be faithful with our mammograms. Keep us posted on your progress. You will be heavy on my heart and in my prayers. Love you, Jud♥️?♥️
Thank you, dear friend. Your kind words and prayers mean a LOT! Love you, Jud! ?
I’m so sorry, beautiful friend. I’ll be praying. My mother was a breast cancer survivor and so I always dread that test. My daughter had kidney cancer at 1 year old, too. My dad, prostate cancer. Too much. So my heart is with you now and thru this ordeal. And I’m praising God that it has been caught early. My cousin is a nurse for radiology, cancer center, and they’ve been flooded with cases from Covid days, people unable to get their normal yearly tests. It was a hard time in so many ways. But we trust God’s timing. If you had gone earlier, it might not have been caught until later. My husband’s cousin was recently bucked off her horse. She had a concussion and the xrays revealed a tiny brain tumor. It’s found early. If she hadn’t fallen off her horse … God’s sweet timing. ❤ So much love to you. I’m flooding the gates of heaven over you.
Oh Shelli! You’ve been through so much! I thank you, my friend, for your kind words and prayers. I appreciate every one!
I went through my breast cancer journey during the covid quarantine , I understand the peace you talk about , I was always a very fearful person , and always thought hearing the word cancer would be something that would undo me , but the peace of God took over and I’ve never felt anything so wonderful . it certainly made the experience easier . I don’t k ow how people go through it without christ .
I am cancer free now .
I pray your journey is short and you always feel the love of our wonderful God .
Thank you, Theresa! I’m so glad you’re cancer free now! That’s my prayer as well.
Hi, Jill. Hearing your news is sad. I think we’re all tired of that “c” word as it seems we hear it more often these days. Especially hard when it’s someone we know going through it. So glad you have the Lord on your side. Will be praying for complete healing, comfort, grace and peace for you and your family. Sending love to you, my sister in the Lord.
Thank you, Vickie! Your prayers and kind words are most appreciated!
I’m sending prayers and blessings your way I’m sorry to hear what your going through I know god will be with you every step of the way. May god speed your recovery
Thank you, Noemi.
This song helped me through my breast cancer. I go for my ten year check up in September.
Thank you, Gail!
I’m so sorry that you are going through this. I know unexpected things happen all the time. Last fall we almost lost my mom and only by God’s grace and mercy can we say she is doing so much better now. I pray that you get through this with all the help and love of your family and friends during this difficult time.
Thank you, Sarah. I’m glad your mom is doing better! I hope this time for me and everyone going through struggles ends on a positive note! By God’s grace!
Dear Jill, know that you are loved by the Lord and by many of your reader fans, of which I am one. I will be praying for your treatments and complete healing. Thank you for your transparency. I am sure that it will be a source of encouragement to many.
Grace & peace
Thank you so much, Anne-Marie!
Dear Jill. I am so sorry to hear of what you are having to go through, but what i do know is nothing, not even cancer is wasted in the Lord, He use’s all things that will cause our faith to grow! I think of Job, and the Apostle Paul with his thorn in the flesh, and our mighty God revealed Himself to these men in such a wonderful way. I also know Jill that He loves you very much, and i believe you will see Him more and more in many different way’s, and like Job said ” I have heard of Thee by the hearing of my ears but now my eye sees Thee! ” Job 42: 5, RSV. Your walk with the Lord will be so much closer, as many other’s have testified to it. The Lord bless you and keep you and Randy at this time, Love you Jill.
Thank you, Marie! You are absolutely right. God doesn’t waste anything we face in this life. I have already faced trials that have brought me to HAVE to trust Him because there is nothing I can do to fix things. Waiting on Him can be hard, but I’m also coming to accept that. He says to trust, commit to Him, and wait patiently for Him. That’s my goal. Thank you for your kind words.
Many blessings and grace to you, Marie!