New contest for MICHAL

I am running a contest for a free copy of Michal on my Facebook author page. If you haven’t stopped by the page, I hope you will. This is where I often run contests for free books.
Contest question – answer on the page to enter for a chance to win an autographed copy of MICHAL: In 1 Samuel 25:44 Saul gave Michal, David’s wife, to Paltiel. Paltiel knew she was David’s wife. What does that tell us about his character? Contest ends May 16, 2011.

I am not looking for a specific answer, just opinions based on what we know of Paltiel in Scripture. (You can search his name at BibleGateway to find a few more references about him.) Of course, if you’ve already read Michal, then you know what I think of the man and his actions. So now I’d like to hear yours.

If you haven’t read Michal, I won’t give too much away. But I will give one more Scripture reference: Leviticus 20:10 “If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.”

Despite Paltiel’s feelings, he was still living with another man’s wife. (Hint: the verse would indicate both parties in adultery deserve punishment, but Scripture indicates it was Saul who gave Michal to Paltiel, making Paltiel and Saul the guilty parties.)

So what do we know about Paltiel’s character? Please stop by the Facebook page to let me know!

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