Last night our son sent us a link to a YouTube video showing a 4-year-old girl singing for the judges on America’s Got Talent TV show. Since I don’t normally watch the show, I had never heard of Kaitlyn Maher but after one glimpse, I became an instant fan. While I should be writing right now, I just spent the last half an hour watching various videos of her singing, then went to her website to discover she has a CD. I’m trying to decide whether to order the physical CD or just download the digital version. The physical version will let me listen in the car, so that’s tempting.
On Kaitlyn’s website there is another video of her singing a song called “Daddy I Love You,” which Kaitlyn says she wrote. This child has got some major talent to be able to not only sing and hold a tune so well at now 5 years old but to write her own music? I’m impressed! But the song touched me on another level because it reminded me just how important a daddy is to a little girl. Big girls too. I don’t think women ever outgrow the need to feel their daddies love them. I’m so glad to know Kaitlyn has such a daddy. I have one who loves me too, and if I could give Kaitlyn a message it would be to tell her how very blessed she is.
I spent Saturday at an Easter brunch with my mom and dad. Whenever I visit my dad in the nursing home, he never fails to smile or to tell me that he loves me. My daddy is going to be 88 next month and he has never failed to make me feel special. Someday in heaven when he can walk again, I have dibs on his first dance. And maybe I will sing him Kaitlyn’s song, “Daddy I Love You,” because he deserves it.
One of the videos on YouTube shows Kaitlyn singing “Amazing Grace” at 3 years old. She said then that the song was her favorite. It’s one of mine too, Kaitlyn! Another video has her singing “Above All” in a worship service. It sounds like her family shares a faith in Christ and has a loving, close bond. They have my respect and my prayers.
One of the judges on America’s Got Talent told Kaitlyn that she had brought a nation together. In truth, she has a way of inspiring her hearers. Perhaps this is in part what Isaiah meant when he spoke of latter days and said, “A little child shall lead them.” May she and many more like her, do just that!