This week I signed a 4-book deal with Revell for another biblical fiction series! The Brides of the Promised Land is the series featuring Rahab, Deborah, Ruth, and Hannah. At the rate of one book a year, I’m contracted until 2016! Who would have thought?
Honestly, if you had told me in 2006, when my hope was turning ever closer to despair of ever selling my work, that one day I would be contracted to write ten books for Revell, I would not have believed it possible! I’m still a little stunned over it all, and the prospect of writing that many books is a tad scary. Plots don’t come easy to me. It takes me a while to get to know my characters – usually a first draft of the book and more. That, along with all of the research is why I need a year. 🙂 If any of you feel led to pray for me along the way, I would be most grateful!
Here is a little about each book, which I’ll add to my Books Page soon.
Book One – Rahab
The Prince and the Prostitute
She pins her freedom on the thread of his promises—what price will redeem her soul?
Book Two – Deborah
The Shepherd and the Prophetess
Her strength brought her glory and fame—but at what cost to the man she loves?
Book Three – Ruth (including Naomi’s story)
The Nobleman and the Foreigner
She left all for honor—will love await her on the other side?
Book Four – Hannah
The Levite and the Maid
She trusted his love until he took another wife—will the conflict destroy them all?
I hope that gives you a little taste of what’s to come. 🙂 But first, Bathsheba’s galleys also came last Friday, and I’ve been working on those edits, due September 9. Then I’ll jump back into Sarai’s story until Bathsheba’s page proofs come through. And in the back of my head, and in my prayers, I’m praying about Rebekah’s story. I’ve got a lot of plotting to do with that one!
So the order of books are:
The Wives of King David series – Michal, Abigail, Bathsheba
The Wives of the Patriarchs series – Sarai, Rebekah, Rachel & Leah (working titles)
The Brides of the Promised Land series – Rahab, Deborah, Ruth, Hannah (working titles)
To all of you who love biblical fiction and have read and promoted my books – thank you! Your interest has brought biblical fiction to popularity again in the Christian market, for which I’m most grateful!