Release Day!! Dawn of Grace – Giveaway!

Happy Release Day! 

Dawn of Grace, Mary Magdalene’s Story is now available for purchase. Head on over to my Books Page for links to various places where you can find it. Links are listed beneath the book cover to the right of the page.

To Celebrate This Release…

I’m giving away 5 Signed Copies to my readers of this new release.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If the Rafflecopter widget doesn’t work, click this link and follow the directions. Contest starts TODAY, February 18, 2025, and ends SATURDAY, February 22, 2025. Winners will be contacted privately. U.S. Residents only.

Also – are you interested in purchasing an autographed copy of one of my books? If so, click on this link to the Google form. Fill out the necessary information and hit the “Submit button”. Books have a limited supply, so please wait for confirmation before sending payment. When the books are gone, they will be removed from the list. Most books also include a matching bookmark. U.S. residents only, please.



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    The Conversation

  1. Danielle Hull says:

    Mary, the mother of Jesus

  2. Vonna says:

    The Blessed Virgin is my favorite woman in the Bible ❤️

  3. Sunnie says:

    Definitely the Virgin Mary. What an honor to be the mother of our Savior.

  4. Cheri Schueller says:

    It’s hard to choose a favorite woman of the Bible! I automatically think of Mary sitting at Jesus’s feet. Or Mary breaking the alabaster jar and wiping Jesus’s feet with her hair. I think of Hannah, who just wanted a child so she could give him back to God. I think of Abigail who behaved wisely despite being married to a foolish man. I think of Jael who was responsible for the death of Israel’s greatest enemy. So many women God named in the Bible, and unnamed, whom God loved and worked through and blessed.

  5. Paula Shreckhise says:

    Mary, the mother of Jesus

  6. Beth Reimer says:

    One of my favorites is Mary Magdelene another Ruth

  7. Amy Hanners says:

    My favorite woman of the Bible is Ruth

  8. Kelly says:

    There are several favorites that come to mind, but I’m going to go with Mary, sister of Martha and Lazarus, for her great love for Jesus.

  9. Alicia Haney says:

    My favorite woman in the Bible is Mary the Mother of Jesus. Thank you for the chance.

  10. Kelly says:

    So many favorites! Abigail is one that really stands out

  11. Elizabeth Litton says:

    I think Esther is probably my favorite Bible woman. (Of course, Elisabeth is pretty great, too.) 😄

  12. Lori R says:

    One of my favorites is Miriam

  13. Kimberly says:

    My favourite woman in the Bible… That’s so hard; hm.

    The woman in the temple who gave her few coins to God. Even though it seemed like nothing to others, it was everything to her.

  14. Kailey Bechtel says:

    I think Esther is my favorite.

  15. Lana Burton says:

    All of the women in the Bible suffered things in their lives. Even though, Jesus’s mother, Mary, had much heartache, I would still choose her as my person, because of the pure joy and yore live she had from raising Jesus.

  16. Natalya Lakhno says:

    I don’t have a favorite but Mary (Martha’s sister) “has chosen the good portion” and is a great example 🙂

  17. Elly says:

    It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I really like Leah🥰

  18. Shalisa says:

    So excited for another book!

    Because I’m currently studying Revelation, right now my favorite woman is Israel (Rev 12:1-6). Israel is often referred to as the woman in the prophets as well. I love the people God has chosen for Himself.

  19. Peggy says:

    Congratulations on the release of your new book!!

    • Peggy says:

      I forgot to add my favorite woman of the Bible. I would say Hannah, and I really enjoyed your book A Passionate Hope about her!!

  20. Gail Hollingsworth says:

    Ruth is my favorite! That was my mother’s name too.

  21. Gigi says:

    Mary Magdalene!

  22. Melissa D. says:

    My favorite biblical heroine is Hannah from the Old Testament, probably because I can relate to her in many ways.

  23. Molly McTernan says:

    Happy release day, Jill!

  24. Gloria Moseley says:

    Hagar -Sarah’s maid,
    Esther, The Woman at The Well and Mary Magdalene.

  25. Beverly Phillips says:

    I have so many. My first pick would be the woman at the well. As someone who loves to witness, this lady made me smile because she met Jesus and believed, but she didn’t stop there. She ended up running home and telling her whole town about the Messiah. What an amazing woman! She had no idea how to witness in a way, but she was so thankful to be forgiven and receive salvation and in her heart she knew everyone needed to know about the Saviour. Next, Mary Magdalene because again, everything she went through and the fact she was so incredibly grateful to be forgiven and saved. Mary, Jesus’ mother because of her sweet spirit willing to do whatever God called her to do, then there is Rahab, Ruth, King David’s Abigail, Mary, Lazarus’s sister who just wanted to sit at his feet and learn from him, and I can’t forget Deborah the Judge, even Bathsheba, also Lydia, seller of purple, Esther, Elizabeth, I have way to many favorites, Jill, so I will stop there.

  26. Kim S. says:

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy! I somehow missed picking up a review copy, and would love to read it!

  27. Megan says:

    Mary, the mother of God.