A Christmas prayer

December 21, 2012. Dear Lord,

The celebration of your birthday is only a few days away. Thank you that you came because of love. Thank you that you came to defeat death and evil, and you conquered and accomplished what you set out to do.

If you hadn’t had a birthday, we wouldn’t have hope.

So thank you that, you…so loved the world, that you gave your one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have eternal life. Thank you, that you didn’t send your Son here to condemn us, but to save us from our sin, from ourselves.

Lest I forget to tell you, in the hubbub of holiday and family togetherness, thank you for your gift of Jesus. Thank you Father for sending Him to give us greater love than we could ever earn or deserve.

Thank you that despite the bad, I am always reminded that You are good. And one day You will make all things new for those who love You.

On your birthday, I just wanted to say, I love you.

Happy Birthday!



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