A Longing Fulfilled

Hope deferred…we’ve all known that, haven’t we? And I can bet we have all tasted the bitter gall of heartsickness too. All it takes is to risk loving someone to risk losing, to where our soul wants to curl up and hide. But a longing fulfilled…what a joyous sound, yes? Solomon relates such a longing to a tree of life. Not “the” tree of life mentioned in Genesis and Revelation, but “a” tree of life – something that gives joy to our souls.


Hope can do both, can’t it? If we’re putting our hope in people, we’re going to risk that first part – hope deferred, hope lost – because we humans are really good at letting each other down.

But hope in God is so very different! The psalmist said, “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God..”

He was talking to his soul – telling himself that God could be trusted with his hope. He didn’t have to lose heart.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had my share of looking at the world through disappointments, through hope deferred and I think I’m ready for a new look. I’m not a big fan of heartsickness, so putting my hope in a different place, in a different Person, in order to taste and see that the Lord truly is good, sounds like a much better plan.

I don’t know what kind of fruit grows on a tree of life, but I can bet it tastes pretty good because it’s coming from hope in a good God. And I’m ready for a really delicious feast of joy! Don’t you agree?

Be blessed tonight, my friend. Never lose hope in the only One who is worth trusting. ~Selah


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