We say it every year. And in the saying, behind the meaning of the laughter and cheer, there is a sense that we cling to fragile hope that this year things will be different. We will start that exercise plan, lose that weight, read the Bible all the way through, pray more than occasional arrow prayers. Or maybe we are hoping for things like an end to violence, world peace, reconciliation, no more sorrow or pain.
Trouble is, we live in a broken world, and the clock chiming midnight tonight will not change who we are on the inside by tomorrow morning. Well…we could change in a heartbeat if we allow God to do the changing. But that takes courage on our part. And a realization of just how much we need fixing.
I look back on 2018 and I wonder…Did I grow in my walk with God this past year? Am I a different person than I was last December 31st?
Of course, it’s hard to look at ourselves and accurately determine how others see us. And as somewhat of a people pleaser, I do care what others think of me. And yet, I’ve learned that when we focus on what other people think, no matter who they are, we risk giving them too much power over our feelings. There comes a point in the life of a believer when we need to realize that what God thinks of us is what matters most.
I hear about self care – it’s rather popular these days. But I read something yesterday that made me wonder…I take care of myself pretty well. I mean, I always get dressed, put on my makeup, do my hair, brush my teeth, feed my hunger, take time to do what I enjoy – every day! But how often do I pay attention to the care of my own soul?
One dictionary describes it as this: The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal.
Our soul is that part of us that connects to others. That part of our being that is us. Our character, our personality, our inner being that makes us uniquely who we are – that is our soul. When we die, our body separates from our soul. Who we are no longer resides in the skin we wear here. Our soul lives on eternally – according to Scripture either with God or without Him.
To grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. To identify with Christ and know who we are in Him. To allow the Lord to be my Shepherd, and guide me onto the path where He wants me to go. And I want to walk with Him there.
My dad has been in heaven for six years now. I’ve seen both good and bad happen in my life during the years he’s been gone. Funny, the longer he’s been gone the more I miss him. But one thing my dad knew—he took good care of his soul.
Daddy read Scripture every day, every year, from Genesis to Revelation for as long as I can remember. He listened to radio preachers. And he prayed. I don’t know how much time he spent talking to His Heavenly Father but I do know that he prayed for every single member of his family – children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren – every day. I miss his prayers.
My dad’s life, memories of the things he taught me still give me hope. He faced a lot of hardship in his life. Just WWII would have been enough for me, but he faced so much more. When a new year came around, you might think he would have gotten discouraged. Life is hard. And he did have moments of despair. Don’t we all?
Yet even when he landed in a nursing home and couldn’t remember things like he used to, he never forgot what God had imprinted on his heart during all of those years of soul care. He knew Jesus was with him and loved him right up until his final breath.
He will be there whenever I take the time to meet with Him. He will give me courage to face each new day. He will teach me as I lean into His promises, His truth. And by this time next year, I hope I can say that I had a good year. One filled with good and bad, joy and pain, but one where I knew that my God never left my side.
Happy New Year!
#soulcare #livegrace #happynewyear #2019 #futurehope #renewed