I’ve been swimming against the tide this past month since the wedding, writing like crazy. I almost had Rahab’s second draft completed at 11:30 p.m. last night, but decided enough was enough. Especially when I discovered that I needed to add two more scenes to make the story work. But today at about 3:30 p.m., I finished the work! Well, the second draft at least. I redid a lot of the beginning, probably the first third, and have yet to read it over. I hope my critique partners don’t find too many errors. The book is due in December, but I still have at least two more read-throughs/tweaks to do. So the rest of today I’m taking a much-needed break. Tomorrow I will start page proofs for Rachel, which I hope to finish before the ACFW Conference next week, but thankfully they are not due to my editor until I return. Time moves too fast. Or perhaps I move too slow!
Deadlines do tend to make life hectic, which is why I tend to take as many breaks as possible. Like the introvert that I am, I need space and alone time, but I also need time to play with the cats or talk to my kids or get coffee with friends or beat the next level in Candy Crush Saga. (Sad, I know.) But how many times can I play level 105 and still lose? I think they make some levels impossible to win, or they dangle the carrot until they can coax you to pay for more lives. Ah, but I’ve been there, done that twice, and still lost. So no more. Besides, I love a challenge!
Well, sometimes. Sometimes challenges are not so much fun. Like this new diet I’m on that is more restrictive than I’d like! (I miss my chocolate!) But…it’s worth it if it helps remove pain, which is another challenge I’m not so fond of, but determined to overcome, God willing.
There are still a lot of little things I need to do, like write book club and Bible study questions for one or two books. I have to work on Rahab’s timeline and character sketches the next time I read it through, so it’s handy when my editor asks for it next year. There is so much more to writing a book than I ever imagined when I first began!
In between writing and life, I’ve been doing a lot of reading. Recently I read a YA Fantasy that is yet-to-be published, but I am excited for the possibilities of this story. It is ready. And I think young audiences will love it!
Right now I’m reading a couple of non-fiction books, and I just received two scripts to enjoy. The fun of being in a family of writers is getting first glimpses of their work. My California guys are planning to produce their first serious short film this fall. Wish I could be there!
If you’ve kept up with our kitty woes, you know that Shadow has had some health issues. Unfortunately, we have come to the conclusion that there is nothing to be done at his age as he is allergic to the one thing we were able to give him without truly traumatizing him. But, he seems to be feeling better in spite of his condition and we will love him as long as God allows.
And as I already mentioned, next week I head to the ACFW Conference! I didn’t go last year, but this time it’s closer to home in Indianapolis. If you are going to be there, please look me up and say hello. I would love to meet you and put names to faces.
Right now, I’m going to relax, read, and see if Candy Crush level 105 is beatable.
Happy Wednesday~