And yet, He waits

Sometimes we look at our circumstances and long for the King of Glory to come walking through those gates in Jerusalem, don’t we? And yet, He waits. Why does He wait? I’ve asked myself that question over and over again in my life because, honestly? Waiting is just plain hard to do. It’s not my strong suit.

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I was talking to my agent the other day about various issues and she asked me if I was worried about something, and I realized, no…I wasn’t worried…I was impatient.

Yeah, I can get that way sometimes. I want God to answer now. I want to understand why – now. In our instant everything generation, don’t you feel it too? We want life to happen or life to change or life to do this or that – now!

We want the King of Glory to come fix this broken world now because the truth is, we can’t fix it. We know that too, don’t we? We’re all broken. At a heart level, the brokenness can run mighty deep. And we want Jesus to come and fix the broken, to bind the wounds, to answer the prayers we are begging to be answered.

And He says, “Wait.” And we wonder why. Sarai and Moses and David and Joseph and Elizabeth and so many more were made to wait and wonder—why are we waiting? Why can’t it be fixed right now?

Lift up your gates – Open those gates – let the King of Glory come in now!

But still, He waits. And I think I have a glimpse of the reason.

Because He is patient. (Unlike me.) He is SO patient with us and wants to bring every one of His children to the place we need to be. He wraps Himself in time, though He is outside of time, to allow US time to be found – out of our lostness. Because He loves us.

He loves us. Yes, He does. Even as He waits. Even when it doesn’t feel like love. Even when we hurt Him. And yes, He can feel our hurt and be hurt by us. (Read the Old Testament for proof of that.) He can grow angry by our actions, but He always returns to the theme of His love.

He is patient because of love.

He will return. The King of Glory will enter those barred gates in Jerusalem one day. But not until the time is right. Not until His patience is at an end. Not until the lost are found. And He is looking for each one of us who feels far away from Him. He is a relentless seeker. A relentless lover. A relentless God.

And He never gives up on us.Because of love. He has earned the right to be King.

~Selah #liveloveprayhopetrust #alwayshope #thekingofglorywillcome

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