I will be signing copies of Abigail atHis Bible and Book House
106 W Main St
Brighton, MI 48116
(810) 227-2925
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Time: 12:00-2:00 p.m.
If you live in the area, please come and introduce yourself! I’d love to meet you.
I had lunch with a friend last Friday and stopped in at our local Family Christian Stores, which resulted in another booksigning possibility, but that is still in the works. There is also a possibility I may be traveling to Lake Orion for a booksigning there as well. Future events will be posted as they become available.
I’ve been doing a lot of research on Abram and Sarai and ancient Mesopotamia, which is truly interesting. In the midst of that, I’ve been brainstorming a new idea, and am hoping it works out as well as I think it might. I’ve found myself writing two books at the same time, flipping from Sarai’s story to my proposal idea. It’s interesting trying to switch mental gears to a somewhat different era and a whole new set of characters, but right now, it’s fun and a bit of a challenge. I like a good challenge, as long as it’s not overwhelming!
Sometimes, I marvel at how good God is. I’m sure I don’t revel in that fact nearly enough, but as I pondered Abram’s encounter with God today and what it must have been like to meet Him face to face, I wondered how that would have changed Abram. How it would change me. Abram was called God’s friend, and one commentator said it was because of Abram’s faith, but I don’t think that was the only reason. I think the main reason Abram was called God’s friend was because Abram did what God asked him to do.
Jesus told his disciples “You are my friends if you do what I command.” John 15:14
Abram was God’s friend because he did what God commanded.
So much to be learned from research. I love it when I can apply it to my life.