Contest rules and other stuff…

I learned yesterday that Facebook has rules to govern contests for book (and other) giveaways. (Who knew?) I also learned that those rules are changing. The way in which past contests have been conducted is no longer allowed, including the one that is in progress on my author page. Sooo….
That means all future contests will be held exclusively on this website. I will still post links from Facebook and Twitter so that friends and readers can participate, but rules are rules, and I want to comply with what they will allow. Winners of the current running contest for a free copy of Michal (see details in the post below this one) will be announced here on Monday, May 16, 2011.

In other news…I’ve been playing catch-up on my writing this week as the weekend was too busy with Mother’s Day and my youngest son’s birthday. We had a great time with my mom on Sunday, and my guys made the day quite special for me too.

The beautiful May weather has allowed me to sit outside to write for the past few days. I have a mild suntan/burn (I don’t really tan) on part of my arms, but you can see where the wrist guards start and bare skin begins. I’m going to have to try typing without them when I’m outside or my tan is going to look pretty strange!

Randy fixed some squeaks and the brake pads on my bike, so I’ve been twirling around the neighborhood and enjoying short treks to the park. Everything is in bloom. I love this time of year!

Stayed up until almost midnight hoping the Red Wings would win last night, but unlike their previous last-minute wins, they didn’t pull it out this time. Too bad. It is always fun to root for the home team.

I read a really cool passage in the Bible today. It’s from Isaiah 43. (Read the whole chapter if you like. Some deep truths there.) I will end with this thought:

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine…Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you…”

God loves you. He has redeemed you and called you by name. You are His – if you know Him. I hope you know Him. How wonderful to know we are precious in His eyes…


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