
Tomorrow is my birthday, and I’m going on day six of a cold or sinus infection or virus – whatever it is. It seems to keep changing a little each day. There are times I think I’m getting better and other times I think I’ll be spending my birthday at the doctor’s office. Between Airborne and Wellness Formula herbs and tons of tea, water, and broth, I’m hoping it finally goes its merry way by morning. One can hope…
Yesterday I got my initial edits from my acquisitions editor for Sarai – book one in The Wives of the Patriarchs series. The edit list is longer than it was for Bathsheba but my editor said it was a very good book! So while I have a lot of work ahead the next week or two fixing little things, I am encouraged. Every book needs editing, and I am grateful for such observant editors who question things that I might not make clear enough.

Yesterday was also a day to Skype with our boys on the west coast and celebrate my birthday. Skype is great for getting to see each other, though next year I told them I wanted plane tickets so we could just be together and go out to dinner. I miss the physical touch, though I’m grateful for the fun and laughter we still share. I know things could be so much harder. I have no reason to complain, I’m just missing them.

The weather has warmed up a little here, and we’ve seen more of the sun for a change. Randy is baking a chocolate cake today – a new recipe experiment, which I’m looking forward to trying! We went out for dinner last night, despite my cold, but didn’t order dessert. I haven’t had much chocolate in weeks, so this will be a treat!

In the meantime, I received lots of books for my birthday, so I will be doing some reading. I picked up a classic I’ve had on the shelves since homeschooling days and decided it was time I read it too – Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne. I’m in the mood for some books written with a different flair – and this one looks interesting. The British tone is fun.

And tomorrow I am hoping to receive my first copy of Bathsheba. It was supposed to be “in house” on Friday, so if all goes well…It would be a nice birthday present!


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