My heartfelt thanks to Woodside Bible Church for hosting a book signing for me this weekend for The Prophetess, Deborah’s Story. I appreciated every person who stopped by to say hello, ask a question, or allow me to sign a book to them. It is an honor and I must say that I truly value every reader! Sometimes I get asked questions about writing during these signings, and I wish I had more time to answer them. For those who take the time to ask, I hope I gave you encouragement. Please continue to pursue your dreams. Read books on the craft of writing. Read books in all types of genres. Learn from those you would love to emulate.
I remember the first time I had the desire to write a book. I read one novel and thought, “I could never write like this. She’s way beyond my ability!” Then I read another novel and thought, “Maybe? He writes on a level I can aspire to.” His style gave me the hope that perhaps I could learn this overwhelmingly difficult craft. Because in truth – when you actually sit down to write a story – it is very, very hard.
A lot of people tell me they have a book in them. What they mean (I think) is that they have a story they want to tell. Their life has been through some interesting or difficult trials and they sense that others might be helped by what they’ve learned. And that’s a good thing. We can all benefit from the lessons of others.
But to write a story takes study, just like every other craft be it art or music or film or even the sciences like engineering or the medical field. We don’t just pick up a wrench and declare ourselves a mechanic! We learn by studying and by doing. And writing is no different.
So I hope and pray that those of you who have asked me questions about how I do it or how to get out of the stuck places in a plot or how to motivate to make myself get the book written, that you will take up the challenge and study the craft. Can you do something else and be happier not writing? Then do what you love. The book that is in you may be told through stories you share with friends and family. Maybe your book isn’t meant to be written but told.
Then again, maybe you need that push of encouragement to set a goal and stick to it. Can you write 500 words a day? One thousand? In a year or six months you would have finished the book! Yes, it would be a first draft, but you would have something to work with. First drafts are always improved through editing, and believe me, every writer needs a good editor.
For those who don’t want to write but love to read, thank you for taking a chance on reading my books! I so enjoy meeting each one of you. I wish book signings allowed more time to talk with each person. But I am grateful for the thought, the creativity, the kindness and support of every person involved.
One final note: the book signing scheduled for next Sunday in Lake Orion has been rescheduled. It is tentatively scheduled now for February 7, 2016 at Woodside Bible Church Lake Orion, to coincide with the grand opening of their new bookstore. I hope to be signing books in the store between services. If you live in the area, please do stop by. I would love to meet you!