Daughter of Eden, Eve’s Story

If you are part of my newsletter list, you have already heard the title to my next book releasing in 2023. If not, Daughter of Eden, Eve’s Story, has been turned in to Revell and they are going to begin work on the cover while I am finishing acquisition edits. This book has been a journey for me and a challenge in writing a book that covers so much time, yet one that needs to remain cohesive despite the hundreds of years Adam and Eve lived. Not my easiest story to write. But I’m grateful I had the opportunity to do so.

Another thing I like to do when I write my quarterly newsletter is to share some thoughts about one of the women in Scripture who have been the focus of my books. Spring’s newsletter included some thoughts about Eve. As a sample for those who have not signed up yet, here is this season’s What She Said:

What She Said…
The woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.”

There is no woman in history that compares to Eve. She is the only one other than Adam who had no concept of evil and knew what pure innocence and goodness felt like. So how was it possible for her to have been deceived?

I’ve pondered this and many other questions about her life in the Garden of Eden along with how she survived outside of that garden once God sent them out. Imagine never knowing fear, but in a moment everything changes. Suddenly, the animals you once played with or considered friendly fear you and you them. The land no longer yields food for you as it once did and worse, your relationship to the only other human on earth is no longer truly good. Marital bliss is no more.

Eve probably had good reason to blame the serpent. After all, that’s what we do when someone is blaming us, right? We turn around and blame them or someone or something else. No one likes to admit that they are the one in the wrong. They are the one in need of God’s forgiveness.

I wonder how Adam and Eve felt though when God killed one of the lambs they knew in order to clothe them. The serpent had said, “You will not surely die.” But death did come that very day. It came in the substitute blood of a lamb, a foreshadow of the perfect Lamb of God who would one day take our sins upon Him once and for all.


With Easter/Resurrection Sunday fast approaching, isn’t it amazing to see the way God planned and provided a way to save the humans He had made from the very death they had chosen? They would surely die, as God promised, but death was not the end. God sent Jesus as the perfect sacrificial Lamb, to not only be the covering for our sin but to wash us clean from it now and forever.

One day we will pass from this life – guaranteed. No one escapes death, and the truth is, no matter what we do to grasp at immortality here, we’ll never find it. Eve may have lived to see seven or more generations from herself because she lived hundreds of years. But I’ll bet she never knew many of those people who were her close descendants. And they could have traveled to meet her. When we pass from this life, there will come a day when no one here will remember our name.

But God does. And He made a way for our future to be one of eternal joy with Him. That’s why He promised Eve that a Redeemer would come. That’s why He told Mary she would bear that promised Redeemer. It’s why Jesus fulfilled that promise and now through Him we can have a future and a hope if we put our trust in Him.


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  1. Julie+Barnard+Happel says:

    Can’t wait to read this one…. never thought much about what Eve must have experienced after “sin” entered her/family’s lives….

  2. Dianne says:

    Looking forward to your new release. Please remember to post the available date

  3. cindy simpson says:

    Like everyone else I can’t wait to read this. Your Books Michal, Abigale and Bathsheba were the first biblical fiction books I ever read. I was hooked.

    • Jill Eileen Smith says:

      Thank you for your kind words about my books. I hope you enjoy this one when it releases!

      God bless~