It is hard to believe that it’s been less than two weeks since the release of When Life Doesn’t Match Your Dreams. And now we are looking for a new launch team that we are naming Solomon’s Court to promote The Heart of a King. If you are interested in being part of this team, please visit my About page for instructions on what will be expected and how to apply. I truly appreciate everyone who is interested in helping me get the word out about each of these books. You are an invaluable help to me! Thank you!
Solomon was an interesting man to study and his story is filled with palace intrigue and steps into the heart of a man who had it all. He even heard the voice of God speak to him more than once. And yet, like all of us, he succumbed to human weakness and allowed himself to worship the gift more than the Giver of that gift.
I wonder how often we do that without realizing it. I know I do. I have recently come to see that God has truly blessed me throughout my life in various ways, and yet, sometimes I cared more about the blessing than the One who gave it. When we do that, we create idols in our hearts. Not even our closest relationships can replace the one we have with our God.
If we know Him, we came to Him with empty hands and surrendered our hearts to Him. We put Him first. Set Christ on the throne of our hearts. But in time, other things can slip into His place, and suddenly our relationship with the One who loves us most is replaced by other people, other things, even ourselves. What we want ranks higher than what He wants.
I believe that’s what happened to Solomon. Isn’t it amazing what the people in Scripture can teach us about ourselves? I still have so much to learn.
While this is a short post, I wanted to say that I may be taking a step back from blogging for a time. I have three books to write this year and I’m on a rather strict schedule. As many writers would say, “I’m going under for a while because I have to finish this book.” I’m not quite there yet, but I have begun the plotting of the first one and the wheels are turning to keep going as life will allow. (I borrowed this gif from my son—it is how I feel sometimes!)
I also wanted to mention my newsletter. You can sign up for it at either the top or bottom of any page on my website. The newsletter has gotten a makeover, thanks to my assistant Amanda, and something new we’ve added will be newsletter exclusive contests to win free books, among other things. I only send them out quarterly and with a new release, so if you love to enter contests or want to keep up with what’s new in my writing world, please feel free to sign up. I try to keep them short as I know we are all busy.
Lastly, if you are part of a book club and would like to schedule a free 30-minute webcam chat with me about any of my books, please contact my assistant Amanda. (Scroll down a bit on the Contact page to email her.)
Thanks to all who read my work and spread the word to those who might also enjoy or benefit from learning more about these people of Scripture. Though much of what I write is fiction, they were real people whose stories God immortalized to teach us. I pray that my work guides each of us back to the Bible to search out what it is that they can help us with in our lives today.
Until next time~