Exciting News! A New Contract!

I am thrilled to announce that I have signed another three-book contract with Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group. This time, I’m stepping forward in time to the New Testament at the time when Jesus walked the earth.

These women all came into contact with Jesus, either for short or longer periods of time. One remained involved in His ministry throughout His life on earth and likely beyond. The others…the Bible doesn’t tell us what became of them after they met Him, but you can be sure that their lives were never the same.

Two of these women have been depicted in The Chosen, and I will admit, to write their stories in a different way is going to be a challenge. I love The Chosen and think they do an amazing job of creating backstories for the people Jesus interacted with. But as we know with all biblical fiction, each author brings their own perspective and research to their stories, and as far as I can tell, no two stories about the same person is every the same.

So I hope you will stick with me as I finish work editing Daughter of Eden, Eve’s Story; finish the manuscript for Noah’s Wife, and then fast forward thousands of years to meet:

Mary Magdalene – of whom Jesus cast out seven demons.

Woman at the Well – the first person to hear Jesus say He was the Messiah.

The Syrophoenician Woman – a foreign woman with a persistent faith who received her miracle from the Lord.

Be blessed!

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    The Conversation

  1. cindy simpson says:

    I am excited for you. I can’t wait to see what you write. God bless you and help you along the way.

  2. Jennifer Boyd says:

    This is so exciting! I can’t wait to read each of these! I have been anxious to read the Daughter of Eden since it’s announcement, now even more to look forward to! Blessings and prayers along the way!!

  3. Tonya Morris says:

    Can’t wait to read them all!!

  4. Alicia Haney says:

    Wow, Congratulations, that is Great! Have a great day and a great week.

  5. Linda Clement says:

    I am so excited Ann. I will pray for you as you write these books. I know they will be wonderful!