And...welcome to my new website! If you've followed my blog or journal for very long, you know that this is probably my fifth website design. But tha...
Read MoreWe’ve all heard the term 20/20 hindsight, and don’t you wish 2020 was in our rearview mirror about now? I know I do. I’ve lived long enough to ...
Read MoreWhen Jesus walked on this earth, He did a ton of amazing miracles. He gave sight to the blind, healed the leper, raised the dead, and cast out demons...
Read MoreI realized the other day that I have not updated my web journal in a month! So much has happened that I have honestly had little time to write he...
Read MoreThe day is almost here! A week from today She Walked Before Us releases! September 15, 2020. This is also the day of the FaceBook Launch Party. I...
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