Today is one of those rare days when I could stay home ALL day! Finally a chance to work on Abishag's story again and clean the house, little by ...
Read MoreI'm sitting here feeling very lazy today (after an exhausting week), watching the wind and blowing snow outside. I can hear the heat running and ...
Read MoreHave you ever heard someone exclaim "God is good!" If it's not said in a church setting, such as: "God is good...All the time," then it typicall...
Read MoreI have three books to share with you. Actually, one is a Bible study. One is fiction. One a memoir. I finished reading One Perfect Day&...
Read MoreRevell is running another e-book special on Abigail, book 2 in the Wives of King David series, THIS WEEK ONLY! You can find it on Kindle: Abiga...
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