New habits for a new year

This year I’m working on developing some habits that can help me accomplish greater goals. Some are purely health related, others spiritual and emotional. If you’ve been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know that I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia several years ago. In my search for health, I’m convinced that the way I eat affects how I feel. So here is my list, keeping in mind that one of my goals this year besides finishing writing deadlines is to be healthier. Goal #1 – sabbath rest. For me, Sundays are a great day to spend time with God and to rest from the week’s normal work. To seek worship with fellow believers, to enjoy the company of friends, to read, to nap – whatever my body and spirit needs.

Goal #2 – trust God more. To pray as Jesus taught – Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. How often I try to give God directions! While I can ask and request, even beg and plead for Him to answer certain specific prayers, ultimately, I find great comfort in trusting that He will do what is best. His love and mercy are great, and His will and His glory are my heart’s cry.

Goal #3 – eat food as God intended. I shop organic, non-GMO, and hormone free whenever possible. Lately, I’ve been making a big salad at the start of the week and leave it ready to eat in the fridge. It lasts us several days, and it makes lunch so much better! I also prepare raw snacks and make sure I have ingredients for healthy smoothies.

Goal #4 – increase exercise. Not simply so I don’t hurt, but with the intention of getting stronger. I have a secret desire to learn ballroom dancing (if I can convince Randy) and I would love to hike hilly areas or ride my bike for longer distances. I have some work to do!

Goal #5 – figure out how to type without aggravating my right shoulder, which seems to find ways to annoy me the more I use it. I can’t imagine “speaking” an entire book with voice software, so I am hoping to find another alternative.

Goal #6 – laugh, love, live with greater joy! The joy of the Lord IS my strength! One way I accomplish this is to listen to uplifting music and to choose entertainment that makes me laugh or smile. (One of my FAVORITES right now is to watch animal and earth documentaries. God seriously had to have had a great time creating some of the animals out there! I want to snuggle a cheetah and cuddle a lemur – in the new earth, when they won’t bite or scratch – or eat me!) 🙂

Goal #7 – (You knew I had to have 7, didn’t you?) Make the most of every opportunity God gives. I stopped and thought the other day – if I live to be 100, I’m over halfway there! Truth is, none of us knows how long we have to breathe earth’s air. For me to live is Christ, and I want to live it to the fullest until He calls me home!

How about you? Any new habits or goals for the new year? I’d love to hear them!


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