And…welcome to my new website! If you’ve followed my blog or journal for very long, you know that this is probably my fifth website design. But that spans about thirty years, and website codes get old or other things change, and though my old site wasn’t old, some things changed that caused me to move to a different location. Please feel free to sign up for my newsletter and the RSS feed at the bottom of the page if you’d like to be notified in your email inbox about blog posts.
My newsletter comes out seasonally and when there is a new release or my publisher is running a special deal. Occasionally, I’ll run a contest or make you aware of something you won’t typically hear anywhere else – or you’ll hear it in the newsletter first. In any case, thanks for stopping by! Please leave a comment if you feel so inclined.
So…now that business is out of the way…I’ve been thinking about so many things this year. I know we are still struggling with the changes we’ve been forced to make in our day-to-day world.
Here are a few things I’ve learned as a fellow struggling human Christ follower.
We can spend a lot of time listening to some pretty scary things from politics to power hungry people to a pandemic that feels like it could grab us from anywhere. Or we can live our lives the way God intended. He told us to choose life and that doesn’t just mean before birth, as in the babies in the womb. We need to choose life every single day, at every stage of life, no matter how hard it gets. I know that’s not easy.
I come from a background where most family members would rather flee than fight. We’d rather ignore and deny a problem than confront it and talk it out. That might seem easier at the outset, but it’s not good in the long run. Fleeing our problems, escaping them, doesn’t fix anything. Healing comes from honesty. That starts with honesty with God and if we can admit to Him that we need a Savior, we are broken people who do things wrong sometimes, we are sinners just like He said we were, then we stand a chance at fixing our relationship with Him and human relationships in turn.
It is my prayer that 2021 will not be a year of fear or more drastic changes. But what I really pray for most is a year of awakening. A year when the eyes of our hearts see Jesus for who He really is. A year when we can admit wrong and seek forgiveness and then go and forgive others. They go hand in hand.
Extend grace to those who fear, to those who flee, but pray that God will step in and heal all of our brokenness. This won’t be a wasted year if we learn that God was in it even when we couldn’t see Him. He can use every part of our 2020 experience and transform it into good when He transforms us into people of confident trust in Him.