Tiger is sitting on my lap right now. He has this habit of licking the hand cream off my fingers as I type, which makes typing a challenge, and I’m not so sure why he likes hand cream better than ice cream. I’m sniffing the scent of cut wood this sunny Saturday. I got home a little while ago from a bridal shower for a dear sweet friend, to the sight of one of our apple trees finally trimmed. Randy and a friend tackled the job while I was away, but now they have the fun job of cutting the limbs into smaller pieces. Tiger isn’t sure he likes the sound of the saw.
I’ve been doing a lot of pondering lately, especially as I read through the Psalms. I’ve been reading one aloud to myself each evening, and it amazes me how much more the words stick in mind and heart when I not only think them but hear them. Psalm 51 is very familiar to me due to my study of David’s life. This is the Psalm (or one of them) that he wrote after he sinned with Bathsheba.
The ESV version of the Bible shows verse six like this:
Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.
I hadn’t quite thought of my soul or spirit having a “secret heart,” but if you stop to think about it, it makes a lot of sense. How often do we keep things bottled up within us, both good and bad? Perhaps we just aren’t the type to share our thoughts with others. Or maybe we love to talk about everything. But I daresay every one of us has a place deep within us that holds things know one knows or understands except for God.
And sometimes it takes the loving finger of God to point out those truths to us. David recognized that only God knew what was really going on inside of him, for he’d spent at least a year lying to himself about the whole adultery and murder mess. God had to send Nathan the prophet to make David own up to it all. But in the end, David wanted to understand that truth, to be taught God’s wisdom, all the way down to the most secret places in his heart.
I like that. I need that. For the older I get, the more I realize I don’t understand as much as I thought I did in my youth. God is far more complex and I’m far too finite to think that I can manage without His wisdom.
My Saturday musings…for what they’re worth…