The Crimson Cord

Thursday afternoon I returned home from running errands, spending some time with my mom, to discover a package on my kitchen table. It looked suspiciously like the kind of envelope a book comes in. Since I’ve been waiting for my first copy of The Crimson Cord, Rahab’s story, to arrive, perhaps you can imagine my delight when that’s exactly what came! The seventh full-length novel, first in a new series, and all I could say was “Wow!” The feeling of that first book just never grows old. The “wow” factor comes from the realization that a kernel of an idea several years ago could grow into an actual book. To realize that a team of people worked to bring the story together, helping polish the prose, creating a wonderful cover, and caring about the details I don’t even think about is humbling. Call me grateful, because I can’t think of a better word to describe the feeling.

Rahab’s story in Scripture is one of such courage, such grace, such faith–there is really none quite like it. I hope you will take the time to search the Scripture’s, both Old and New Testaments for Rahab’s name and just read what God has to say about her. You may be surprised or you may already know her story, but somehow in the reading the words become new again and real to our hearts.

I will be doing a book signing for The Crimson Cord this coming weekend at Woodside Bible Church, 6600 Rochester Road, Troy, Michigan 48085. You can find a map here.

Book signing hours are:

Saturday, January 24, 2015, 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. after the service.

Sunday, January 25, 2015, 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. between services

If you live in the area and want an early copy of the book, please stop by. The book doesn’t officially release until February 15, 2015, but we were allowed a special preview for this weekend. I hope you can join us!

As always, I hope and pray that this book blesses you, that it draws you to the Lord to seek truth in His Word. My stories are simply glimpses of what “might have been”. The Bible has what really happened. I encourage you to compare, and if there are discrepancies, believe His Word.


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