Two new cover reveals!

I’ve posted these on Facebook, but I realize that Facebook does not reach many people these days. And I must say, I’m excited to share the latest upcoming novella with you all, and the next full-length release coming next February. First the novella (e-book only short story): The Shepherdess (You can find the info also on my books page.)

Smith_Shepherdess_EB Cover

The Shepherdess is the story of Abishag, the last legal wife of King David. She was more nurse to the aging king than wife, and in the Bible she becomes a pawn between two half-brothers, both with claims to King David’s throne. This story is my imaginative take on her early life, along with some actual events that took place in Scripture. It was fun putting myself into her sandals and walking along with her on the short journey we shared. I hope her short story will bless you!

The Prophetess from Amazon

The second cover reveal (and available for pre-order on Amazon) is for the full-length second book in the series Daughters of the Promised Land, The Prophetess, Deborah’s Story.

This story was by far harder to write than stories past, though I know friends will tell me I’ve said that before. I said it of Rebekah and fretted much over that book! But worry never accomplishes anything constructive and as I discovered when the end of that book finally came to be, there was a story in her short tale in Scripture after all! But Deborah – oi! She has one chapter and a song. We have little history on her or her surroundings and figuring out her story took some creative study of the song and a lot of brainstorming. One friend spent three hours on the phone with me to help me fix what was wrong that I couldn’t see even after I thought the book finished. I thank God for friends!

Deborah’s story is in the editing phase, so I can’t offer a first chapter to read or anything yet, but hopefully soon. I think the story, set in a time of terrorism and spiritual chaos can remind us that the times in which we live are not so very different. Everyone does what is right in his own eyes. And Deborah noted in her song, “When new gods were chosen, war was in the gates.” I think she has much to teach us.

Other than that, I’m enjoying summer weather – until today (in the 90s) it’s been absolutely gorgeous! I’m up to 338 gifts to be grateful for in my gratitude journal – I plan to just keep going even past 1000. I’m reading a new book called Anything, The Prayer That Unlocked My God and My Soul by Jennie Allen. So far – wonderful book! I’m also reading a novel for possible endorsement, which has already planted its characters in my mind. I’m looking forward to finishing it!


And in my spare time, just for fun, I created my first acrostic for the word LOVE. (I’m sorry it’s hard to read in this picture. My website would not let me upload a larger version.) This is what it says: LAMB OFFERS VICTORY ETERNAL, LIBERATES OPPRESSED VINDICATES ENSLAVED, LION OVERCOMES VIPER’S EVIL, and we are LAVISHED OVERJOYED VALUED ESTEEMED.

I intend to do more for a few more favorite words like HOPE, JOY, PEACE, etc., but for now I did LOVE. The photo was from one of our California trips that I played with in a photo editor. Coming up with singular words for each letter in LOVE, that matched the true meaning of the word was not easy. Especially when it came to “o”!


Had I not been looking for words that fit the letters, I would have said that “Love is patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong. Love is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever truth wins out. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things endures all things. Love never fails.” (I Corinthians 13)

Of course, that kind of love is supernatural because not one of us can say we could keep this list all of the time. It is God’s “agape” unconditional love. Love that loves no matter what, no matter why, always. I take so much comfort in knowing God loves me that way. I don’t deserve His love. But how gracious He is to offer it anyway!

How about you? What have you been up to this summer? And how would you define love?

In His Matchless Grace,


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