It’s been a while since I talked about the various writing projects I’ve had on my plate last year and this one, and thought now might be a good time to do just that.
2019 was the year I made the decision to tackle the writing of three books, two novels (one shorter, one longer) and the second non-fiction. I have never taken on so much at once, and I will say I learned this is not an ideal thing for me. I tend to forget that life has a way of stepping in the way of work. And it definitely did for me last year because of a major move for my mom and five trips (four business ones) in one year. Tiger was pretty put out with us every time he saw the suitcases.
So while there was a lot to do, and I’m still not finished, God is good, and I have been able to manage each thing. Star of Persia, which releases March 3, 2020, went through all of its edits, while I also was writing She Walked Before Us (the non-fiction). (Cover reveal coming soon!) We went through first round acceptance edits on that one and now they are finishing the cover and final edits will begin on this book also in March.
Miriam’s story – also due mid March (March is a busy month!) is in the stages of the third draft. I think the book is close to done, but I’m a perfectionist, so I like to read a book at least four times before turning it in.
In the meantime, we are expecting our second grandchild to be born in late February, and we can’t wait to meet her.
The third book from last year is first-drafted and due in May. This book is for Guideposts Ordinary Women of the Bible. Her Source of Strength, Raya’s Story. I’m not sure how much work I need to do on that one, but I’m sure it needs rewriting. They always do!
Somewhere in all of this, I’m pondering the next book that is due next March, 2021. This one is the story of Joseph but will also include the stories of his family mixed in, particularly the brother who suggested his sale into slavery. I’m looking forward to having time to ponder this in more depth.
Besides life changes and a few milestone events coming up, I have one slight dilemma. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this one.
My contract for Joseph’s story also includes two unnamed biblical women. That means, I still have time to decide who to write about in Scripture. My focus has always been the Old Testament, so I’m not sure I want to stray from that. But I’ve also written about most of the well-known women of the Old Testament.
So here is the question – Who would you like to read about? What woman of the Bible that I haven’t already written about, would you enjoy reading her story?
I have a few ideas in mind, but would love any suggestions you might have. Just please check out my books page before suggesting one that is already written. I’m looking for something fresh and new.
Also, how willing would you be to read a story about a little-known woman of Scripture? Or perhaps a fictional woman in the life of a male character? With all of the biblical novelists out there, what type of story would you like to see next from me?
That’s it. Except that I hope you will stay tuned for more on Star of Persia. Booklist just gave the book a starred review, which was a surprise and an honor. We’ll be having a FaceBook Launch party on release day, with prizes and chat time. Follow me on social media for continued updates as March 3rd draws closer.
Until next time~ be blessed.
#booknews #upcomingprojects #starofpersia #guideposts #revellbooks #shewalkedbeforeus #fiction #nonfiction #life #livegrace