Willing for God

Do you ever wonder why we have the ability to choose? We hear a lot about choice in society. It can have any number of meanings from religious to political to personal. The truth is, we like choice. We want the ability to make our own decisions. We don’t like being told what to do. Can you relate to what I’m saying?

Since I am one of those people who doesn’t like it when others try to control me, I’ve given this matter of choice a little thought. These may seem like random observations, but hopefully, they will make sense at the end.

  1. Have you ever considered that no other natural thing in the entire world or universe has the ability to choose? If we all came to be by chance over billions of years of natural selection or one species changing into another, why do all of the animals we supposedly came from still have no choices in life yet we do?
  2. If God created human beings in His image (which I believe, by the way), why did He give us the ability to choose when it might mean we might not choose to love Him? Pretty big risk on His part, in my opinion.
  3. If choice is individual, what is it in our natures that causes us to make bad choices? If we are inherently good, as some would say, why would we ever make a choice that isn’t?
  4. Do our choices have consequences? Okay, that’s a rhetorical question because of course, they do. So I’ll rephrase. Why do we often find it so hard to make the right choices?
  5. Lastly, when we look at choice in general—how often would you say that we make choices based on any of the following:
    • Selfishness
    • Greed
    • Lust
    • Pride
    • Selflessness
    • Compassion
    • Mercy
    • Love

When it all comes down to it, I think only humans have the unique gift of a free will (choice) because God made us to be like Him (in His image). Since God has the ultimate free will to do whatever He pleases, He placed that ability within us as well. Of course, since He is the Creator, His will and our will are not the same. He didn’t give us the power to control. That is His alone.

Since God has a will too, what is it? Here are a few mentions of what it is in Scripture:

  • God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.
  • It is God’s will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; that each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God;
  • Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
  • Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
  • Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father,

God’s will for us is to be the image bearers He designed us to be. His will is to save us from the sin that separates us from Him. His will is to be in a relationship with us. His will is to take our choices and allow Him to make them His.

The question is: Are we willing for God to guide our choices? Are will willing to surrender our wills to His?

That’s a tough question because the human heart doesn’t easily give in to anybody unless we choose to or have to. Other people can force our choice, but they won’t have our heart in it. Maybe that’s why God doesn’t force His will on us.

He calls us. He wants us. He loves us. He sacrificed Himself for us. He invites us. He’s prepared a glorious place for us. He’s set a table for us, just waiting on us to accept the invitation.

Think of it like this: God the Father has planned a grand banquet beyond anything you could possibly imagine. I mean, I’ve eaten at a few nice restaurants in my life, even been to a few nice banquets. But I’m talking way beyond opulent. Way beyond what any king of the earth in any era could have afforded or imagined. That’s the kind of kingdom banquet God has planned to give in honor of His Son.

And He wants people to be part of that. So He’s sent out invitations to His banquet. He has said, “Whoever will may come.” Whoever is willing.


That’s the key word.

God is not willing that anyone miss out on this. But…He gives us the privilege of choice. We have to be willing.

He’s not going to force us to want Him. He’s not going to make us come to His party or feast at His table.

Because the thing is, there is a cost to coming. The banquet is a free gift, but it cost God the life of His Son to cover the impossibly high admission fee.

Maybe that doesn’t make sense to you, but I’m talking about eternity. The eternal life that awaits all those who are willing to repent (admit they are in need of a Savior from their sin—have a change of mind), and are willing to accept the free gift of eternal life in Christ.

It’s so simple a child can understand enough to accept it—and God honors the faith of children. Yet it is almost too hard for the wise and learned adults to admit they have such a need. It is hard for us as adults to give up our autonomy for God’s. We have to be willing for God to be God of our life.

The payoff for us is enormous. We get so much more than we give up. But it’s built into our nature to fight to keep our choices our own. We fight to be in control of our destiny. Trouble is – we aren’t. There comes a day when we realize that. And there will come a day when the gift will no longer be available. The banquet tickets have an expiration date if they are not claimed in our lifetime.

God doesn’t want to see us lose our place with Him. He longs to share life with us.

Are we willing to share life with Him?

#livegrace #lovetruth #willingforgod #Godswill #choice #freewill #destiny #whatwillyouchoose

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