We have the winners for the Release Day, Newsletter and Blog Subscriber Exclusive Contest for five copies of Dawn of Grace. Thank you for all who participated. I wish I could have given copies to all of you, but I’m afraid I don’t have enough copies to do that.
I want to say again a BIG thank you to those of you who read my newsletter and blog posts. I’ll be honest. I’m not a huge fan of newsletters myself – especially those coming from companies that are trying to sell me something every single day! If you’re like me, you find yourself unsubscribing or wishing you could but you don’t because you do purchase from those places at times and want to make use of the sales. But the daily emails do get very old. I hit delete a LOT.
So I understand when I receive “unsubscribe” notifications from some readers. We get overwhelmed, don’t we? That’s why I don’t write newsletters often. And I hope that I am making them succinct and useful to those of you who read them. If there is anything you would like to see in future newsletters, please let me know. I’m always looking for ways to improve because I run out of ideas on what to say.
And sometimes I don’t feel like I have anything else worth saying. Do you ever feel that way? That’s why I struggle to write blog posts very often. I used to write them every week, sometimes several times a week. But that was before I had contracts to fulfill in writing books. Now I’m trying to figure out how on earth to come up with a plot for this next book and it’s a tough one! Today I had a slight breakthrough. At least, now I’m pondering something that might be worth pursuing. But this is the hardest part. The research and plotting and first draft writing. Ugh. Editing is normally so much easier.
So thank you for sticking with me when I do write a newsletter or blog post. I hope you find them useful. I still have a number of copies of the books on my Google Form (see the Contact page here) that I am happy to sell and sign to whoever is interested – U.S. residents only, please. That said, if someone outside of the U.S. wants my books and is willing to pay the additional postage, I am willing to work with you.
Thank you again for helping me to celebrate the release of Dawn of Grace. I loved pursuing the story of Mary Magdalene, and I hope you enjoy the work if you get the chance to read it.
The Conversation
I’m curious about how you chose which Bible character to write about. I’ve been reading your books since Michal first released and LOVE them.
I’ve been reading your books since Michal first released and LOVE them. I can’t wait to see which character your next book is about.
Hi Amanda,
I’m so glad that you enjoy reading my books. I’m honored to know that you’ve been reading them since MICHAL! Thank you for sticking with me!
As for how I chose a Bible character to write about…that was easier when I first began because there were so many women in the Old Testament to choose from. Now that I’ve written about so many of those OT women, I ran out of women I wanted to write about there, so I moved to the New Testament. I choose a person based on who interests me the most and whether I think I have a strong enough desire to go through the research and all that goes into writing a book. Sometimes I second guess my choices! But in the end, I know that if God gives me the contract, He’ll give me the story. Thanks for asking!
Sounds like fun. NOT! I’d like to do that, too, especially in the kitchen. We might have enough money when we’re 90! LOL! Good job for you, though.
God bless.
It wasn’t a lot of fun, that’s for sure. But we are glad we had it done. 🙂