This week I awoke to the happy news that Bathsheba was listed by the American Library Association’s Booklist as one of their Top Ten choices in Inspiration Fiction for 2011. See the full list here. To those who read the story and chose it for this list – thank you! The news was an encouragement in what has proven to be a rough few weeks. Understandably, I am behind on many things. Normally, the book that is due in mid-December would have been turned in by now. (I like to be early.) My Christmas shopping would be nearly finished, and Christmas baking would have already begun. This year it took three days to decorate instead of one. I meant to bake pumpkin bread today and chocolate mocha banana muffins but forgot. And I really do need to write my Christmas letter if I could just find a moment and the desire to do so…
Kind of living one day at a time these days. But things are slowly coming together. I’ve been reading the book that is due (Rebekah’s story) out loud to myself and am two-thirds through! Forty-three more pages to go and one small scene to rework and it should be done. At least done enough to send to my editor and hope she likes it. Thorough editing will come next year.
In the midst of it all, I’m reading through Luke and pondering the way Jesus dealt with the people of His day. Interesting thoughts. Hopefully, in the next few days I can put a few of them here. He handled relationships differently with various people groups – groups like the publicans, Pharisees, disciples, tax collectors, and many more. His compassion and love were not always displayed in the same way toward these people. He knew how to meet each one where they needed most to hear Him. Fascinating. Many lessons in this, I think.
But more on that later. I’ll be posting a few new releases soon – some new ideas for Christmas reads.
Hoping you all seek His truth, His peace this holiday season.