I’m normally not very girly. That’s probably a good thing since I’ve lived with all men for 33 years and counting. We even managed to have two male cats. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. A girl gets to feeling mighty protected with her men around. But there are days when guy company and guy things just aren’t enough. Movie choices around here are rarely romantic (partly because there are not nearly enough well-done romance movies to watch), I can’t talk any of them into going to the mall “just because,” and they don’t like the smell of the polish when I do my own nails.
When the boys were young, I didn’t miss not having girls to dress in pink ribbons and frilly dresses. I love having sons and wouldn’t trade a minute with them. But sometimes I wonder what it would be like to take a daughter shopping, “just because.” My mom and I used to spend a day every other month or so doing just that. But it’s easier for her to do lunch than shopping now, so we do that instead.
I was bemoaning the fact that my sister lives too far away and most of my girlfriends do too, or they work during the hours I like to shop. I should have called one of them anyway, because shopping with a friend is always more fun than going alone, but yesterday I needed a day just for me. A girly day to go shopping, have a make-up do-over, eat a Godiva truffle and stop off at Starbucks. With the sun shining and the outside mall not too crowded, it was a great day! One I wanted to repeat today, but didn’t think spending more more on clothes was a good idea!
But as the weather warms up, I’m imagining a pedicure and trip to a nail salon. I’ve rarely done these kinds of things in my life because, well…they’re girly. And I’m just not a girly girl. But deep down, I’ve got to admit, sometimes a girl just needs to do girly things even if she isn’t normally wired that way. A little pampering never hurts. 🙂 I think I need to do this more often.
Now if I could just find more really good romantic movies that I haven’t already seen and talk someone into buying me another pound of SEES dark chocolates… 🙂