Have you ever been in a place where you felt helpless, like you had no choice? It can be a scary place to be. I say that because so often it feels like we are helpless, or rather unable to make any meaningful change. This thought surfaced as I began to read the book of James this past week.
Like everyone, I’ve faced a bit of suffering over these past years. And today as I hit a milestone birthday, I’m rather aware of the additional aches and pains of life. Yeah, I feel a little more creaky when I awaken in the mornings, and as I’ve mentioned before on this blog, I’ve had a chronic pain thing going on for a long time now. I know, I know, not the happiest birthday thoughts to have, right?
But I’m getting around to something better if you will grant me a few more moments of reflection. What I’ve been learning lately is that yes, we are all going to suffer at some point in our lives. That suffering will look different for each person. Sometimes it’s downright painful, and I’m not talking simply physical pain. And so often when we are faced with these trials, we ask, “Why?” It hurts, doesn’t it?
And then I read in James, “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.”
Say what? I’ve read this before and could even quote it to you in a different version, but this version made me pause. How can any kind of trouble be an opportunity for great joy? I’m going to be honest here. I’ve never understood this. Even though James goes on to explain that testing produces endurance and causes our character to grow and makes us mature…I would really rather not have the trial and just go on with my character as it is, thank you!
I mean, sure, I want to be more loving and patient and kind and all that is good and God-honoring, but can’t I just get there by prayer and Bible study? What is it about trials that make me grow? That can actually bring me joy? And on my birthday, I sure want a taste of joy – covered in chocolate please.
I think, perhaps, it comes down to choices. You see, when I’m in pain, I can complain about it or I can rub creams on the sore spots and take Motrin or Tylenol. When I’m in emotional pain, I can weep over what I think God should be doing, or I can thank Him for what He is already doing, has already done, and is still going to do.
That kind of gratitude is hard when I’m in the middle of a trial. You too? And if you look again at James and flip back a page to Hebrews 13, you find the secret to joy grows a little clearer. In verse 15 of that chapter it says,
“Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name. And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.”
Have you ever considered that it is a sacrifice to praise God? I usually think of praising God when I’m really happy or something surprisingly wonderful happens. But when I’m in the middle of something hard, something that takes me down a road I don’t like, it takes a choice, a sacrificial choice, to not only praise God, but to think about other people instead of myself and do good to them, help someone who is needier than I am.
Like I said in the beginning, we can feel like we are helpless and have no choice at times. But even the prisoner has a choice of attitude. I may be housebound (I’m not), but I can choose to pray or to write a letter or to make a phone call to brighten someone else’s day.
So on this Valentine Milestone Birthday, I leave you with choice. I’m going to choose to look for those opportunities for joy today. And I’m going to sacrifice praise to my God because He’s pretty awesome to consider me worth loving. And I’m going to choose to be grateful in the midst of whatever comes my way today.
How about you? What choices will you make in the middle of your everyday struggles? I hope you will choose to love and look for opportunities of joy.
And oh…have a happy Valentine’s Day!
#valentinesbirthday #choices #choosejoy #chooselove #livegrace