Revell told me that once it was up on their website, I could announce to you Rachel's cover! Well, it's there, and so now it's here along ...
Read MoreAn insightful reader wrote to me on my Facebook page asking a question similar to one my editor asked during my edits of Rachel. The question had t...
Read MoreIn recent days, more than one person has mentioned to me things they hope to do while they still live on the earth. Some have called it a "bucket lis...
Read MoreDo you remember what it felt like as a kid to fear the dark? Or worse, the unknown? I grew up as a strange mix of a third-born only child. In other w...
Read MoreIf you've read any of my recent posts, you know that I've been trying to adopt a vegetarian lifestyle due to health issues. I LOVE the green smoothie...
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