Yesterday my webmaster son called me to work out details of Bathsheba's page on The Wives of King David website. We finished up the last minute detai...
Read MoreA few weeks ago, I finished The Girl in the Gatehouse by Julie Klassen. Readers of Jane Austen will enjoy this latest book by one of my favorite autho...
Read MoreI mentioned the other day that Bathsheba should be hitting stores a little before March 1 - at least that's the hope and what I've heard from the grap...
Read MoreRandy and I had a date night tonight. Went out to dinner - had some good food - then went to see True Grit. Our kids had seen it and told us it was go...
Read MoreThere is nothing like the end of the holidays to force one back to work, and yet I know I still have a lot more catching up to do. I realized today th...
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