Pray for California

As I write this, Los Angeles County is burning and has been burning for days, as most of the world already knows. The devastation, at least from what we can see from photos and livestreams, is beyond belief. I’ve ridden down many of those streets, visited many of those places that may or may not still be standing. So many people have lost everything. Some say the scenes are like a war zone, even apocalyptic.

I grew up visiting the L.A. area every few years because my dad’s family lived there. My hubby and I traveled there before kids and with kids, and eventually helped two of our sons move there. They had a dream they wanted to see if they could fulfill out there and still live there. So my interest in these fires is great because both sons have had the evac zones come near their homes. Thankfully, they are both safe, but the winds are said to change again this coming week, so no one can ignore this until the fires are completely contained. The two biggest – Palisades and Eaton are not nearly close enough to being under control.

As one who has fond memories of this area and who knows life will never be the same there, and also can’t imagine what it would be like to lose everything, I write this asking you to pray. I know many people are already praying for the people there, for the firefighters, for the fires to end. But it bears repeating. Pray diligently. Pray compassionately. This is not a time to assign blame to anyone, though I’m sure in days to come the reasons for the fires will be discovered. And not everything about them is likely innocent. But let’s set that aside right now, shall we? Let’s simply care about the people living there.

And let us pray that God will bring beauty from the ashes. That He will pour out His great love on the hurting, bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted, and show the people of this great state that He is the only one with power to redeem what the fires have stolen. He alone has power to heal and give peace. He alone can forgive and save us from sin, despair, fear, ourselves. We all need Jesus. Let us pray that the whole world will see that, especially those who are hurting and seeking.

If you want to help those in need that are living there, I’ve come across two ministries who are meeting needs, or who will be on the ground helping as soon as the fires are under control.

The first ministry is recommended by Patricia Heaton. It’s called Dream Center. They are supplying thousands of people with things they’ve lost, with food, and possibly shelter, showing the love of Christ to those in need. Check them out here. If you can’t help in person with a drop off donation, perhaps you can send a monetary one.

The second is Samaritan’s Purse. They aren’t there yet, but they are going to need volunteers once they can get to the ravaged areas. The link to be notified if you want to help is here. I’m sure they would also accept donations to be used in this disaster relief.

Let us keep California in our prayers. Let us also not forget those in North Carolina who suffered in Hurricane Helene. Many people around the nation are suffering from natural disasters. While we enjoy the comfort of our homes, let us be willing to give, to serve if we can, and to pray. Our God is great, and we have His listening ear. He waits for His people to pray for others and for those in need to call upon Him. Let us do so while we yet can.




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    The Conversation

  1. Mrs Marie Turner says:

    My Heart and prayers go out to the folk in California, even more so those who have not only lost home but also loved one’s. I have been praying and will continue to pray, Our great God is attentive to all our prayer’s and our tears He stores in a bottle nothing is lost, but we have HOPE and that hope is Christ Jesus, so i am praying that amongst all that devastation there will be believers , and those believers will reach out to those who do not know Him, It’s at times like these people do turn to God, The God who is mighty ! and can turn things right around, one who can restore the years that the locusts have eaten, in this case what the fores have eaten. and glorify His Name!!

    • I completely agree! Thank you for your prayers for California and the millions of people there. God is mighty and He can redeem even this. May many, many people who don’t know Him yet, see Him in this and come to know Him in a personal way.