This seems a fitting time to thank God for the good in my life. Despite all of the grieving and trials we’ve been faced with these past weeks and months, God is still God and He deserves to be thanked. So here, I offer my prayer of thanksgiving: Dear Lord,
Thank you for the gift of today. Tomorrow is but a memory now, and yesterday is not promised to us on this earth. So for the gift of today, I give thanks.
Thank you for my family, another beloved gift of Your hand. Thank you for their laughter and the way they lighten my heart just by the simple act of walking into a room. Thank you for every moment of their lives, every dream You’ve placed within them, every prayer they breathe. Thank you for their love.
Thank you for the cherished friends You have allowed to cross my path. Thank you for their kindness, their generosity, their prayers, and for the willing gift of their time that they choose to spend with me.
Thank you for a country that allows us freedom to walk with You without fear. Though many things may cause us concern from time to time, and governments all over the world are struggling, You have allowed us far greater blessings that we deserve. For Your kindness, we are most grateful.
Thank you for nature, and for two especially loved kitties who warm our hearts and steal the best recliners for their beds. Thank you for the humor they add to each day just by being, and by looking so cute. We are blessed.
Thank you for food and clothing and a place to lay our heads at night. For daily bread (and chocolate) and so many things we take for granted. You have given us more than we deserve.
Which is especially true of the love you give us each day, and the grace You offered at the expense of Your own son. If not for Jesus, we would not have life. We would not know forgiveness.
Thank you for that forgiveness that You offer to me so freely. Thank you for eternal life, and for the truth that the grave is not the end. Someday I will see You face to face. In this is my great hope.
Happy Thanksgiving to all~
SelahPersonalNovember 24, 2011